Starlight and Silhouettes

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Gracie wants more than anything to leave a mark on the world. But to say the only lives that matter are the ones that died for something is...well, mean. And she doesn't want to be like that. Only, she can't help wishing to be some kind of inspiration to someone.

Isaac and Gracie have been friends since the dawn of time, and he knows her better than herself, really. Isaac wants to know the answers. There are so many loose ends he wants to tie; his mind presenting questions even when he doesn't want them.

Anna is Isaac's younger sister, and she's survived cancer, and is now seventeen months into remission. She wishes for the power to reach into people without hurting them and remove cancer everywhere. But that's not likely to be a thing anytime soon.

...And so begins a tale of the ups and downs of life.

*I have no idea where this is going. And I'm too lazy to stick my cover on since I'm going mobile, so yeah. There's my fabulous profile picture on the front. c:*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2014 ⏰

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