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It was March. The weather was cold. The skies were dark. And Declan was alone.

Ant was at home in bed, which is where Dec should have been, but no, the 40 year old Geordie decided he needed food. He hasn't been feeling too great all day, so didn't grab any food during the daytime. But as his stomach settled down slightly, he made the decision to run to the shops so he could actually eat something before he went to sleep.

However, his body thought otherwise.

As he got halfway through the short journey, his stomach growled and his feet tripped.

"What the-!" He grumbled out before his body collapsed. A small scream tore itself from his throat as he made impact with the cold concrete. His head smacked against the ground and stars invaded his vision.


A man, around 5 foot, stumbled across the body on his way home. He gasped as he caught sight of blood around the figure. He quickly knelt down and checked the person's pulse. He felt a very weak thump-thump against his fingers and muttered a few choice words.

Quickly pulling out his phone, he made short work of calling for help. He could only hope this man would pull through.


Note from the author -
Well, here's my idea for a new story.
This came to mind while I was reading Field Surgery by narnian_starkid.
I'm still not 100% sure how this story will go, but I want you guys to help me out maybe with some ideas?
Since this is only an idea, this part isn't very long at all.
I will make the chapters longer and more detailed, so don't worry.
If you'd like me to continue with this, please do let me know. :)

Also, I suggest you go follow narnian_starkid as she is an amazing writer and I absolutely adore her work!

- Ellen xx

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