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   "Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah, just tired."
It's not a complete lie, because yes, I am tired.

I'm tired of being forgotten.

I'm tired of always being the last choice.

I'm tired of always having to wear a fake smile.

I'm tired of crying myself to sleep.

I'm tired of you telling me that I'm not good enough.

I'm tired of falling.

I'm tired of not having anyone to pick me up after I fall.

I'm tired of not living up to your expectations.

I'm tired of being cancelled on.

I'm tired of being that random ugly girl.

I'm tired of being the annoying 'friend'.

I'm tired of being the biggest failure of a sister.

I'm tired of being the disappointment of a daughter.

I'm tired of making mistakes.

I'm tired of being alone.

I'm tired of talking to myself.

I'm tired of feeling like I'm going insane.

I'm tired of my anxiety.

I'm tired of my self-consciousness.

I'm tired of having low self-esteem.

I'm tired of feeling nothing.

I'm tired of being treated like dirt.

I'm tired of fake friends.

I'm tired of being seen as weak.

I'm tired of being stereotyped.

I'm tired of bullies.

I'm tired of acting like everything is okay.

I'm tired of nightmares.

I'm tired of waking up.

I'm tired of breathing.

I'm tired of lying.

I'm tired of trying.

I'm tired of everything.

I'm tired of life.





A/N - These will be short and quick but will also send message about depression (I hope).

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