Bad News Or Is it?

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  I woke to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. "Ugghh" I grumbled. "Cheer practice needs to start when people aren't trying to sleep."  I trudged downstairs to get breakfast which consisted of a granola bar and coffee. Just as I was about to take my last bite, I heard my doorbell ring. This was odd because no one ever rang my doorbell. I walked to the door and out of curiosity I peeked out the window to see who it was. Oddly enough it was Brooke and her parents. They looked awful! They were covered in some strange substance that looked like they had been rolling in a fireplace. I opened the door, "What happened!?" I said mildly shouting as I noticed Brooke and Chris were crying.  Chris looked up at me. "I was cooking breakfast for Brooke when I heard Todd in the bedroom coughing. He sounded pretty bad so I rushed out of the kitchen forgetting to turn the stove off. As I was tending to him, I heard the smoke alarm go off." "Which then woke me up," Brooke butted in. "I rushed back to the kitchen and noticed that when I had hurried off to the bed room I dropped the oven mitt on the steaming hot surface.  It cough on fire.  I got the broom to try and pat the fire out but the broom caught on fire. I dropped it and grabbed a jug of water. I went to pour it on the broom and oven mitt, but the fire on the broom caught my pants on fire." She showed me her leg where it was all burnt up. "I panicked and poured it all on my leg.  The the the counter top was set ablaze and it spread all over our kitchen. I ran out and grabbed Brooke and Todd and told them we had to leave right now.  We sprinted out of Brooke's bedroom but by then the whole kitchen was on fire and it was spreading fast. It spread to the living room and to the stairs and main entrance. The only way out was the front door. It was a race between us and the fire. We all stalled for a minute. Too long in fact.  The Fire engulfed the front door and we stood there watching. The last hope of exit was down the stairs. We raced to them Brooke went first then me then Todd. Just as we were running down, the fire started chasing us. It burned the stairs and walls. We were able to make it out of the house at the last minute. We stood watching as our house was taken by the flames."  I stood aw struck listening and taking in her words. This was horrible. Luckily I had a rather large house. I offered for them to come live with us as long as they needed. And my father could supply them with the money then needed to get clothes and necessities.

  Brooke and I decided we weren't going to practice today. Instead, we drove to the mall to find a new wardrobe for her. That took her mind off of not having a house.  As we were in the dressing room trying on clothes I told her about how I had "The Dream" again. She knew about my ability to see the future and the people I'll meet. She looked at me and asked, "Do you think it's a vision?" "I don't know," I replied."Well if it is, can you bring me with you?" "Of course I will! You're my best friend; why wouldn't I?"  "I don't know" She looked at me and smiled. (A little inside fact, Brooke loves One Direction) 

  We left the mall and Andrew (my driver) put all of our bags in the trunk. We've know this boy since middle school but to make a quick buck he started working for my dad but I think he did it because he's been in love with me since the 6th grade. He's kind of stalkerish but he does what I tell him to so I'm not going to complain.  We got home at about 1 and had lunch. My dad walked in with an excited look on his face. "What's up Pops?" his grin was ear to ear now. "WE'RE GOING TO GREAT BRITAIN!" "You know how in movies people do that thing where they spit all the water out of their mouth? That's what happened here. "Excuse me?" I shouted. "We. Are. Going. To. Great. Britain." He said sarcastically. "Brooke and her family just got here! We cant just leave them!?"  "I know sweetie, that's why we're bringing them with us. I already talked to Chris and Todd and they said that it sounds fun."  "What about practice!?"  Brooke and I said at the same time. "I already talked to your coach and she said it was okay since y'all already know all the cheers and are just teaching them to the new girls" my mom said, as she walked in the room.  "One Direction are in Great Britain right now" Brooke looked at me and winked " It would be awesome if we got to meet them" She said in a playful tone. "Daddy, what part of Great Britain are we going to be in?" "Doncaster" He replied. Brooke's jaw dropped.

Dare To Dream (A One Direction Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon