Part 34(Kenzie's POV)

Start from the beginning

          "Ow! What was that for?!" Accusation was evident in Peter's tone, with a small undertone of hurt and confusion.

          I rolled my eyes. "What are you still doing here? Don't you have an evil supervillain to catch? Remember, the one that snuck into my house and tried to abduct and murder me?"

          The eyes of the suit widened. "Oh yeah! Right. Karen, notify the police that there's an evil supervillain that tried to abduct and murder Kenzie and send them this way, will you? I'm going to catch the dude but I need them here so they can take him away."

          I eyed my boyfriend suspiciously. "Who's this Karen that you're always talking to?"

           "Karen is my, uh, friend? My friend in my suit?"

          My jaw dropped. "Come again?"

          Peter exhaled in discomfort. "I'm not sure how to explain her. Karen, would you, uh, like to introduce yourself?"

          I opened my mouth to say something, but I was cut off by a robotic female voice emanating from Peter's suit itself. "Hello, McKenzie! I'm Karen, but you can call me whatever you'd like. I'm an intelligence that was placed inside Peter's suit by Mr. Stark. I do whatever Peter tells me to do and access data and analyze the situations of the outside world, using my advanced collection of information and knowledge to determine what the best outcome for a certain circumstance is. I also access whichever parts of Peter's suit he requires at the moment, including over five hundred webbing combinations and four thousand individual features. I can also make phone calls and answer text messages, and I have access to more of the Internet than is available to ninety-six percent of the world. I also record everything Peter sees in the suit."

          My face was stuck in surprise. "Uh, wow. Okay. Wait-- so you're recording this? Right now?"

          Karen spoke again. "Of course. Peter will probably rewind and watch this again at a future date. He always goes back and re-watches the moments you two are together-"

          Peter jumped to the side suddenly and waved his arms, as if that would cut her off. "Karen! Stop it, Kenzie didn't need to know that!"

          I was grateful for the dark of the night for hiding the redness in my face. "Are you kidding? I absolutely needed to know that."

          Peter's shoulders sagged in defeat. "I'm going to go and fight a bad guy now."

          As if on cue, I heard a gunshot come from the top of my banister. I saw Peter flinch and my heart stopped.

          Peter's hand flew up to his arm, and he cursed. "What the- not cool, dude!" I could see a spot of darker red around the spot Peter had just let go of, but Peter just looked in the direction of the gunshot and launched himself up to the top of the stairs with ease. I gaped at him, wondering how he wasn't screaming in pain.

          The man that had shot the bullet was hiding strategically behind the wall in my bedroom. Through the moonlight, I could see the shadow of about half of his body on the open door- and regardless of the fact that he was down on his knees and his shadow was obviously a bit disproportionate, the rifle in his hands looked like a twig in comparison.

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