I heard Nemesis mumbling behind me. I took a glance. Nemesis walked away his wings covering most of his back when he disappeared in the shadows of the walls into the tower. While I walked in the opposite direction of the tower to the entrance where knights would come and go. When I walked outside I was greeted with the first strays of sunlight shining at a light blue and orange sky. From the tower, that was built at the border of Menos you could see all of the city. The tower is built against the mountains that represent the border, the entire city was surrounded by mountains.

I checked one last time making sure no one could follow me. Because believe it or not, I liked being alone and it was a pleasure when nobody could find me all day. I let myself fall from the edge. I flew alongside the waterfall down to the city. I let my wings carry me into the clouds. I soared through the sky, my wings propelling me through the cool morning air. The sun had just risen, casting a warm glow over the city of Menos and the surrounding countryside. As I flew, I could see the city below me, nestled in a valley surrounded by towering mountains. The peaks were still shrouded in mist, but the sunlight was beginning to burn off the clouds, revealing the glorious landscape.

I knew where the patrols would be so I decided to go to the market and from there I could go to the cliff—one of the many cliffs at the border of Menos. There I could sit all day. Only Dax knew where it was and he knew where to find me.

As I flew higher, I could see the mountains more clearly. They were rough and rocky, with steep cliffs and deep valleys. The forested slopes were a work of green and brown, with few flashes of color where wildflowers bloomed. The snow was long gone and so the spring feeling was finally coming. I felt the presence of nature beneath me as I looked down at the natural beauty of the landscape. It was a reminder of the power and magnificence of nature and of the importance of preserving it for future generations.

I flew over the city, taking in the sights and sounds of the early morning. My conversation with Nemesis repeated itself in my head. I huffed and stared down at the market beneath me. The market was just coming to life, with vendors setting up their stalls and customers beginning to trickle in. The smells of fresh bread and exotic spices drifted up to me as I flew above the market, making my stomach rumble with hunger. I could see the colorful stalls and the bright clothing of the shoppers.

I was sunk in my thought. I knew my life was never easy but Nemesis could make it a whole lot easier by keeping his mouth shut. Sometimes I wished that I was still in Pavrax. Life was easy back then. Every knight grows up in the Hallelujah Mountains in Pavrax. The place where the very first knights were created. When I was younger I was assigned to Mia. We were trained in combat, flying, hunting, and a lot more for just basic survival. Those were the best days, the simple days.

Well, for how long it lasted. My mother ended up in prison after she killed my father. That was a traumatic experience, not to lose my father, he was a dick. I was there when my mother killed my father. I was 8 or 9 when she killed him right in front of me. It was the base of my hatred towards everything and everyone. When I was younger the elders forced their beliefs about the murder on me. It was my mother's fault, they said. But they didn't know what I knew. My father raped my mother, definitely more than once.

Mia knew because she was best friends with my mom. But even Mia could not help her. I don't know the whole story, but in the end, it didn't matter, I hated both of them for screwing my life when it was better if I didn't exist at all. Just because knights have a duty once they're born, it is not like you could go out and explore the world or something. I sighed I was too busy with everything that has happened and my sudden move to Menos. I shook my head.

Despite the negative memories and the early hour, I felt refreshed by the morning air and the sense of freedom that came with flying. I knew there was nowhere else I'd rather be than up in the sky, soaring over the city and taking in the beauty of the world around me.

I flew to the market staying just below the clouds. I scanned the area looking for a stall with a lot of flowers. Even in the market, It was unusual to see knights because they never really interacted with the people. It made sense because we had a duty and all. I grinned. That was the thing. I didn't go on duty so I had time to explore. I knew a lot of people. As many species lived in Menos you had a lot of interaction at the market and that is what I loved about it.

I landed somewhere between the houses that led to the main street. I greeted Miss Fallon, an elf from the south. Her stall is decorated with colorful plants and flowers. Even her hair had flowers.

I could always recognize her hair. Beautifully woven with lots of decoration.

''Good morning miss.'' Her eyes shined bright when she saw me.

''Morning Nova. How are you today?''

''Everything is all right.''

''Any plans? Or the usual?''

''The usual.'' I grinned.

''See you around Miss Fallon!''

''All right child until next time.'' I walked past the bakery smelling delicious food. I knew I did not have breakfast so I might visit the bakery twice today. The market was not that busy early in the morning.

I walked to the village square, one of the many. Each was decorated with one of the many species. This one had a werecat, a lion. And a very special one. The first one that arrived in Menos got a square that represented them. Here it was a female white lion. White lions are very rare and only females can inherit the genes which made them special. Most of the time white lionesses come from royal blood but one of the bloodlines came to Menos and settled here. Beautiful history if you ask me. I wandered through the streets when I arrived at the village square.

There we lots of people selling things today, Pottery in all sorts of colors, probably more than you could think of, and amazing patterns on giant carpets. I smelled steak across the street and exotic fruits next to the elf-selling carpets. There were a lot of werecats around as well as elves and other small creatures. The only thing you don't see around here were either knights or wolves. I walked around for a bit just enjoying the sun on my wings and the mumbling from people around me.

The day went by faster than I could imagine. Before me was the sun slowly setting on the horizon, I sat on a cliff. My usual place. A place where I could only hear the breeze of the wind and the feeling of the sun on my tattooed shoulder. My wings are close to my body to protect me from the cold. I watched a shadow fall over Menos, the biggest city in Nakoa. It was beautiful to see. After my conversation with Nemesis earlier in the morning, I still hadn't returned. I thought about it many times but running away seemed like the only way out, but somehow I managed to stay attached to Mia, my best friend Dax, and even to Nemesis. But I was so done with the council and with Nemesis trying to be a parent or something.

A sudden shadow fell over me. I watched the contours of the man who was flying in between me and the sun. My heart caught in my throat real fast not sure who it was. I sharpened my vision staying alert. Whenever I used my powers my tattoo would light up and my eyes did the same thing. Red eyes came also into view and that's when I realized who it was. It was Dax. He flew around me and landed right behind me. ''Hello, Nova.'' I heard Dax say behind me. ''Hello, to you too,'' I mumbled. I watched as Dax settled down next to me. Using his wings to cover himself a little bit. His red wings shined a bright orange color because of the sun. We sat in silence enjoying the last amount of sun before it disappeared behind the horizon and slowly became darker outside.

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