Chapter 2

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I spend the rest of my day doing nothing. It feels like it should be six by now and that Dad should be home. But to my surprise, it's only eleven. I'm laying in bed staring at the at the ceiling, hoping for some sort of distraction. I haven't done anything all day and I feel like I should at least attempt to do something.

When I go downstairs I find Gail in the kitchen making lunch. "Ms.Grey what can I do for you?" she asks.

"Gail, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Chloe? The next time you call me 'Ms. Grey' I shall fire you," I say jokingly. Gail looks at me in return and gives me a soft chuckle.

"My apologies Ma'am." She gives me a wink and goes back to washing the dishes. "Would you like anything to eat Chloe? I can make you a sandwich or anything that you would like."

"Um, I was actually thinking of going out for lunch. Thank you though. Do you know where Taylor is?"

"He's in his office. I can go get him if for you if you want me to?"

"No thank you. I'll go find him." I walk out of the kitchen and head towards Taylor's office. Even though I've lived here all my life I still seem to get lost. This house is humongous and every now and then I can't find my room.

When I enter Taylor's office he's sitting staring at his computer. He quickly stands when he sees me waiting by the door. "Ms.Grey, what can I help you with?" Ugh, this 'Ms. Grey' crap is getting really annoying.

"I would like to go out to eat." I stand there not sure of what else to say. "Um, to the cafe downstairs, please" I clarify.

"I don't think Mr. Grey will be okay with that."

"He won't be okay with me eating lunch?"

"No. I don't think he'll be okay with you going out without his knowledge."

"I'm only getting food, Taylor. Jeez, it's not like I'm going shopping for guns. Plus he'll be more mad about the fact that I don't eat lunch. And if he finds out that you are the reason keeping me from eating he'll be beyond furious," I know I crossed a line by saying what I did but I'm done with this babysit Chloe crap. It's not illegal to want to purchase food at a coffee shop.

"What will it be Taylor?" I try again because he's just standing there staring at me.

"Let's go," he says and he walks out of the office, leaving me standing there.


"Hello, what can I get for you today," asks the very perky cashier without even looking at me.

"Um....can I get a pretzel and a mango smoothie please?"

"Yes, Ma'am, coming right up. That'll be $9.50." Are you freaking kidding me? Do I look like a grandma? Why the hell is everyone calling me Ma'am? Ugh.

"Oh, you're not a Ma'am. Sorry. I'm Isaac," he extends his hand out for me to grab and gives me a cute little smirk. I grab his hand and smile back.

"This is my first time seeing you here. Did you just move here," he asks as he slowly puts my money into the cash register.

"'s just my....I'm a first timer," I mutter with a blush growing on my cheeks.

"Let me guess you usually go to Starbucks," he laughs as he finishes his sentence. I can't help but laugh.

"I'm sorry but I don't think this is the time or place to flirt," says Taylor as he shoves his way in front of me. I can't believe he said that. It's not like we were flirting....okay maybe we were but that's none of his business.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. Can I take your order?" Isaac blushes as Taylor glares at him.

"No, you cannot take my order but you can stop flirting with Ms. Grey," Taylor orders. Isaac quickly turns to me and then back at Taylor.

"I wasn't flirting s....." Taylor cuts him off before he can finish his sentence.

"Don't lie," Taylor says very rudely.

"Look you're holding up the line. We should get going. Thank you, Isaac. See you around." I say as I turn to Taylor and give an apologizing smile to Isaac.

"No you won't," say Taylor as we walk away. Gosh, what crawled up his ass?

"Wait, I didn't get your name," Isaac shouts as Taylor escorts me out the door. I turn around to look at Isaac but Taylor gets in my way. A moment later Taylor walks back inside to get my food and we drive back home. 

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