The car ride

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Ethan's POV

She is so pretty. I'm so glad I stopped to help her out. I feel so bad for her and I want to help her as much as I can. What can I do though? It's not like I can go get her stuff back. The only thing she has is her phone which was in her pocket and her keys that were looped onto the belt loop on her jeans. The Navy Blue jeans that suited her legs perfectly and matched her red Adidas shirt perfectly, and matched her black converse perfectly and matched her perfect smile, her perfect hair, her perfect body. She is just...... Perfect.


Ethan led me around the corner to his car. He kinda seemed a bit lost in thought.
I'm walking one step behind him, I glance up at him. He's so hot. He's probably got a girlfriend though. And if he doesn't, he's way out of my league. He'll never fall for me. I'm so ugly and he's so hot. It's never gonna happen. He is only going to help me for a day or so. So there's no point even trying.

Ethan's  POV:

I see her looking at me but I pay no attention. As perfect as she is, she will never fall for a guy like me. She's so gorgeous and I'm just an acne covered twig.
I start to see my car up ahead so I reach into my pocket and grab my key's out and press the unlock button on the remote.


I see a black car with little red details up ahead and out of the corner of my eye I see Ethan reach into his pocket and pull out some keys. There wasn't very many keys. There was a car key and a remote, three other little keys and a little key ring that I couldn't quite see what the picture was.
The black and red car unlocked when we were about six metres in front of it. I'm guessing this is his car then.
"it's only little but it dies the job!" ethan said while looking at the car. It was nice and shiny, obviously well looked after.
"how long have you had it? It looks  new." I asked.
"few years now. I take care of my stuff. And I don't really go anywhere for it to get dirty" he replied as we got in the car. Even the inside smells new!

We drove in silence for a minute before Ethan spoke, "So your from Australia did you say?"
"yea I decided to move here after some stuff happened with my family. I needed to get far away. Half way across the world seemed to be enough when I thought about it but... "
"but after everything that's happened your having second thoughts? Are you thinking about going home after what's happened today?" ethan asked.
"fuck no. I'm not going back. Anywhere is better than there. And it's not home. Home is where your parents tuck you in at night and help you with your homework when you need it and buy you shit you need. I've never had a place to call home." I said, turning my head to look out the window and trying not to cry.
"what happened?" Ethan asked with a concerned look on his face.
Thinking of everything that's happened to me, I feel tears run down my cheeks, sit on my chin and drip of, down my shirt and in my cleavage.
"Fuck I'm so sorry y/n. I didn't know. You can tell me whenever your ready to." Ethan said as he placed a hand on my leg, trying to look at me as much as possible but also keeping his eyes on the road.
"it's ok. You weren't to know. " I say wiping away my tears with the sleeve of ethan's coat. "fuck I'm sorry, the sleeves of your coat are soaked now."
"it's fine. That's easy to fix. Now let's go inside and you can go take a shower while I make you my famous hot coco!" Ethan says with I smile. I look around and realise we are parked in an underground car park under an apartment building and the car is turned off.
"that sounds great." I say with a smile. He smiles at me and we sit there for a moment before Ethan takes his hand off my leg we get out of the car and walk up to the elevator and I hear a beep to signal the car is locked.

A/N:  hahaha I let you with questions didn't I? Are you wondering what happened to you to make you so upset? Well you can fund out in the next chapter!💙💙

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