Ch.1 Meeting Xavier

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My name is Dawn Jae Cullen, I'm 16 years old and I am moving to Olympia, Washington. It's weird to think about because I know that everything will change in this new place and I don't want that.

Before, I know it, my best friend burst into my bedroom and she hugged me tightly "Dawn! You can't leave!" She begged me in a tone that said she was desperate. I grew up with her and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. It kills me to know that I won't see her for a long while. It was a horrible feeling and I felt my heart tear in two as she started to cry into my shoulder.

"I have to go... I'm really sorry. I have to go with my dad. He needs me, Bailey. You know that." I said in a soft tone "Boo, we will stay in contact and I will visit you during the summer. You better be ready for me when I come back missy. I won't forget you at all. You're like my sister." I told her trying to get her to calm down so I didn't feel like a complete awful person. I looked around my room that once had posters and decorations. They were all taken down and boxes were all over the floor as I looked around. The realization that I was moving was starting to sink in more and more as I held my crying friend. "I promise to stay in contact no matter what."

Bailey, my friend, looked up at me with a sad look like she knew something I didn't but she sighs softly "Friendships never last long like that. I know we won't last. Seriously Dawn. Be realistic. We will lose contact and drift apart. I don't want to hurt you but I don't think our friendship will last."

'Was she trying to save me from the breakdown of our friendship once I move...?' I thought to myself with a sad look on my face but I nodded to what she had to say and I knew she was right about this. "O-Okay.... I'm really sorry. I hope we can still talk while I'm in Washington." I said with little hope at all that she would agree to that one thing. She was a very frustrating person to me. If this was the other way around I would want to stay friends for as long as possible. I guess, she sees this differently so I'll respect that even if I don't understand it one damn bit.

She left my bedroom without any warning almost shutting me out but I guess, it would happen eventually. I got off of my bed and pulled the baby blue sheets off. I sighed to myself as I started to hum a song to myself while kind of dancing around the room. I finally turned on 'Social Casualty by 5 seconds of summer' I loved this song so much. 

I soon heard loud footsteps heading towards my bedroom door and a loud knock on my door echoed through my room. I walked to the door and I opened it to see my dad just standing there with an exhausted look in his eyes. "I need you to head to Washington without me. I will be there in a week or so. Work is keeping me here and I really need you to get us situated in the new house. Please, this will help me a lot sweetie." He asked me in a pleading look even though he looked really drunk but I wasn't going to point that out. I didn't want him to be angry with me.

I nod vigorously as he spoke "Of course, dad. I'll head out immediately. Will you send our things to the new house?" I asked him softly and he nodded before disappearing into his room. I sighed to myself. A journey on my own. I was excited at the thought of living somewhere new for a week or so alone. I grab a duffle bag that was full of some of my clothes. I had this bag because it was intended for the car ride but I was taking a plane. I assumed so at least and I hoped I was because I didn't know who would drive me to Washington.

I headed downstairs as I slipped on a pair of slides and I spotted a plane ticket. I picked it up and I headed out the door. The airport was only about a thirty minute walk from here so it wasn't that big of a deal. I start walking towards the airport and as I look around I feel sad. Sad, that I was seeing this for the last time. Sad, that I was leaving such an amazing place that I grew up in. Yet, I knew Washington held unknown adventures and treasures in itself.  The walked seemed to end in a short amount of town as I got to the airport and I walked inside. I immediately found a stewardess and she lead me around till it was time to board the plane. Apparently my father had set this up for me and I took my seat after putting my bag in the over head compartment.

I buckled up and I knew this flight would last forever. I got myself situated and the plane was mostly empty for some reason. I started to drift off to sleep after take off which was unbelievably rocky. Scary... I however found myself in dreamland after. I slept for the 2 hour and a half plane ride. Someone shook my shoulder lightly "Sweetie, we have landed." A sweet voice trying to get me to wake up from my wonderful dream.

I woke up to the woman's voice and I smiled "Thank you, ma'am." I said politely and I unbuckled myself then I stand up. The woman moves aside and I managed to get my bag after some difficultly due to my height. I exited the plane and the lady led me inside then to a taxi. I get inside and tell him my address. Well, my new address. I waited patiently as things passed by quickly and without warning I was drawn in to watching everything pass by. It was about a half an hour drive to the house. When, the cab parked outside I was absolutely shocked about what I saw... it was a huge two story house with a huge backyard, a huge tree, a beautiful exterior and it was a light beige color that was very welcoming.

I get out of the cab after paying and I walk towards the house then I head up the steps of the porch. I look around the I find the keys under the mat. "Hey! What are you doing?!" A male's voice yelled out from nearby and it seemed a bit confused because of what it seemed like. A teenage girl breaking into a beautiful home.

"I live here!" I yell back after getting the door open and I turn around to see a guy who seemed older in age. His son walks outside with a cigarette between his lips and he was clearly amused about something as he looked me over once or twice.

"What's your name? Who's your father?" The man yelled once again and it was starting to scare me. I closed the front door and I left my bag on the front porch. I shove the keys in my pocket then I jog over to the man.

"My name is Dawn and my dad is Jackson Cullen. He is going to be here in a week or so. His company is keeping him pretty busy before he can transfer here." I said calmly but I had to look up at this guy since I'm only 5'0". Stupid height. I thought to myself but the man looked down on me with a kind smile. "Who are you?" I asked him curiously wanting to know my neighbor at least.

"I'm David and the dork who looks like a rebel is my son. Introduce yourself to the nice girl." David said in a stern tone almost not allowing his son to walk away but I wondered if the guy would defy his father or not.

He walked over to me with a smirk that almost oozed danger and it was exciting in some ways yet it was very scary. "I'm Xavier. It's nice to meet you, Dawn." He said in a deep tone. I looked up at him realizing he's taller than his father and bulkier than him too. I shake my head slightly pushing my thoughts away after a moment.

"It's nice to meet you too, Xavier." I said softly and have you ever had this feeling you just made the best decision of you life yet possibly the worst. All in one. Bundle of worrisome feelings all mixed together. I said my goodbyes before going back over to my house and I opened the door this time not getting yelled at.

Once inside, I head upstairs to pick my room and I picked the room facing the yard. A window outlooking the yard and that made me smile for some reason. I start to put my things away in the correct places and once I stop everything was silent. I sighed to myself and I turned on some music. 'Dawn, look outside...' I heard Xavier's voice in my head clearly!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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