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Triggers and such in this chapter so please read with caution, I love you guys lots and lotsssss! M'kay enjoy!

[Patrick's POV]





Not today!

I did NOT just see that!

Patrick calm yourself...

ShuSh, brain! This is a thing to worry about.

Pete squeezes my hand, pulling me back down to earth.

I smile sheepishly.

"Well, Pete, it's not my fault your boyfriend is too innocent and you can't fuck him whether you'd like to or not because he's a fluff ball, Pete, a FLUFF BALL." Brendon laughs loudly from the other side of the table, Tyler and Joe joining in on the laughter.


I'm a big boy and I'll show Petey that I can be a big boy!

Oh, look! A butterfly!

I watch the insect fly away in the wind, ignoring everything going on around me.

I decide to do something with Pete, at some point....

I squeeze his hand, standing up from the table.

"Petey..." I say quietly.

"Yeah, love?" He questions, tilting his head to the side.

God, I love him...

"C-can I talk to you, o-outside for a minute?" I ask, kinda already knowing the answer.

"Of course, Pat... you okay?" He says hesitation and care lacing his voice.

"Mmhm." I hum, already pulling out of the booth with me.

I push the glass door open, scuffing my Velcro shoes on the concrete as I pull my boyfriend behind a wall, pinning him up against it.

"Hi." I say breathlessly. My blue eyes looking up into his deep hazel ones.

"Hi, doll." He says, smiling down at me.

"Do you really think I'm innocent?" I ask, biting my lip in the process.

"I-I... no, not completely." He stutters.

"Good." I growl before attaching my lips to his neck, already aware of where his soft spots are.

He pulls my fedora off, ruffling my hair, moaning a little.

I run my hands along his white shirt before slipping my hand under it, lightly roaming his perfect, muscular tanned torso.

"P-Patrick baby?" He asks, groaning from pleasure.

I breathlessly reply, "what?"

"Can we finish this later?" He questions.

I hum in response, kissing him on the lips with all the passion I can muster.

When I pull away I bite his lip, leaving him completely shocked.

"Thanks for letting me talk to you, Petey!" I say innocently.

I put my fedora back on, dust off my shirt before walking back inside.

Leaving Pete at the brick wall, completely star struck.

I giggle as I slide back into my seat.

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