“I think….I…. I…. I think I’m…. pregnant.” She replied. I sucked in air, my hands squeezing hers in shock.

            “What? How? When? Where? Why? Who?” I commented.

            “God Ellie, do I really need to tell you how? When? Where? And Why?” She remarked.

            “Josh?” I simply asked.

            She only nodded.

            “Does he know?” I said grabbing the ice cream from her and taking a bite myself. This was very weird; I never thought I would have this conversation with my best friend at this age. Heck, we were both barely nineteen, not the age to be having kids.

            “Of course not, I haven’t even taken a test.” She explained.

            “Well, what are you waiting for?”

            “Uhm.” She took that second to look at me with a puppy look in her eyes and I immediately sensed what she was trying to say.

            I slowly inched myself farther away from her, signaling that I understood.

            I cleared my throat before responding.


            “Please. Please. Please!” She pleaded.

            “I would die if people found out, how embarrassing!”

            “Aww come on! All you have to do is go get it, Ellie please! My parents would kill me but your mom would understand if you tell her what happened, please!” She grabbed my hands, tugging on them so I could agree.

            Giving up, I finally nodded once.

            “Oh thank you!” She reached over and hugged me.

            “I can’t believe you didn’t protect the goods, I thought you told me you guys were being safe!”

            “We are, it just happened to be a mishap and I ignored it thinking it was nothing.”

            “Well it was definitely something, look where we are now!” I exclaimed.

            “Oh shut it, it’s not like you’re not sexually active with Zayn either.” She shot back. At her comment, my cheeks suddenly turned scarlet, my hands tensed. Sure, my relationship with Zayn had turned physical in that way but we were careful, always protected so things like this wouldn’t happen. I didn’t regret it either, I loved Zayn in every way and the action was another way to express it. When I had finally tell Sam about it a month ago she also confessed about hers, and now, here we were a month later.

            “Do you see me having this problem, no so shut it or I’m not going.” I replied.

            “Okay, okay I’m sorry!”

            “Fine! I’ll be back!” I exclaimed, standing up and grabbing my phone. She thanked me the whole way out, saying how amazing I was. Without replying, I ran to the drug store a block away. Looking to my sides, I made sure no one was in sight and I ran in. When I spotted the tests, I quickly grabbed two for reassurance and took them to the counter to pay. The girl looked back at me and to the tests, her eyes widening. Shooting her a smile I quickly paid for the tests and ran out.

Lost & Found // Z.M.Where stories live. Discover now