the chapter on which; they call worst case scenario¹

Start from the beginning

"Afternoon, Lils." He smiles looking up from his phone as I opened the door to him. "KJ's here!" I exclaim him placing an arm around my shoulder as we make our way back to Cole. "So he knows you're gunna get him something?" He asks. "Yep." I nod. "Why'd you tell him?" He chuckles. "How can I not?" I shrug. "He literally doesn't want me to leave." I say. "Yo!" Cole exclaims from the couch, them doing the men-greeting-hi handshake. "I'm here to keep an eye on you, Jones." He says passing the living room then making his way to our kitchen. "Typical." Cole nods. "Guys have leftovers from a date or something?" He exclaims. "Yep, we've got Chinese somewhere there from last night!" I reply. "Again, typical." He mutters. "I wanted that for later." He adds quietly pulling me to sit beside him. "I'll pick up some food on the way back." I chuckle. "You can leave, Reinhart!" KJ says. "No, please don't." Cole counters quietly. "Why don't you let her go?" KJ laughs walking back to us chopsticks in hand with the takeaway. "She can handle herself." He adds shruging. "Today's just not a day, I don't know... I feel like something bad's gonna happen." Cole confesses. "Eh, Jug and his theories, right?" KJ laughs sitting on the floor, takeaway on the coffee table facing us. "I'll be fine." I laugh placing another kiss on his cheek then standing. "Be back in five?" He asks head hanging back. "Five? Five hours, yeah?" KJ laughs. "Yep." I nod. "Sprouse, grab the video games out. Girlfriend gunna be out for hours." He tries? To whisper, I guess? Cole now making his way to the stairs to where I was. "I love you." He says by my ear hand on my waist. "I love you too." I smile. "What's the worst that could happen?"


"Get your f*cking ass off my couch and into the car, sh*thead." I demand voice loud and clear grabbing my hoodie from the back of my stool. "Woah, chill out, mate..." He laughs sitting up from the couch, myself darting the house end to end. Picking up my keys in one end and putting on my shoes in the other. "Don't f*cking chill out me. Do as I say and pick your f*cking ass up, and put on your f*cking shoes." I exclaim. "Holy sh*t. Fine!" He laughs. "Just because I beat you five to three doesn't mean you've ascended into my list of f*cked up gamers, Casey's--" He rambles making me burst. "Shut up, KJ. Put on your bloody shoes." I exclaim.

"Will you tell me what the hell is happening with you?" He asks following just behind me as he locks up the house. "Get in the car." I demand. "Oh, to hell are you driving with that f*cked up temper." He chuckles grabbing my keys swiftly. "I'll be driving. You get in the car." He says calmly. "We don't want Jughead Jones and Archie Andrews to be a vacancy for season three." He adds making me question what is actually happening. "How are you so f*cking fine that you make f*cking jokes?!" I spat smacking my hand on to the car's hood. "I don't know what's happening." He laughs. "And I was serious. They might replace me with a human being that's not from NZ and there is a very very high chance that you'd be replaced by your brother." He shrugs. He again, cuts me before I get to say anything: "Get in the car, as you're in a f*cking rush. Then tell me what's going on and where to drive, for our own sacred safety." He continues getting in the car, myself following.

"Get that f*cking bag." He says as I feel my heart beat racing, car not even leaving our driveway yet. "What?!" I yell. "Get up, grab that brown bag breath on it." He words out generously. "Why?" I ask. "What do you mean why? I don't want you f*cking unconscious, mate." He chuckles. "Do it, you ass." He laughs getting into the main road. "Holy sh*t!" I exclaim hitting the dashboard in furiousness. "I'm done. Hold the wheel." He mutters grabbing my hand then slapping it on the wheel. "What the-" I start, him, surprise surprise, cutting me again as he stands and reaches out for the back seat... Casual: "Do you not notice that we swear too much, Sprouse?" He asks sitting back down passing me the brown bag. "Breath on it human!" He exclaims glancing at me as he sees me staring at the bag. "The hell?" I asks brows furrowed. "left or right, Cole?" He asks stopping on a stop sign going left before I even reply. "Too slow, dude." He mutters.

"Turn the f*cking car around and speed to the shopping centre." I exclaim immediately. "Eh? Your shopping centre?" He asks doing a U-turn. "Yes, KJ." I nod breathing onto the bag him grinning at me. "It actually helps, dude." I say amused. "I know, right?" He laughs. "Go! Shopping centre!!" I yell. "That's most probably where Lili is!" He counters yet going at top speed possible without breaking the law. "Exactly!" I exclaim blowing into the bag. "Tell me why we're headed there, stupid!" He laughs. "It's all over Twitter, there's an active shooter." I mutter the bag bursting a hole. "Holy sh*t." He mutters later on flooring the gas.

"KJ, KJ, KJ..." I exclaim as we near the mall. "What? You, ass... You should've told me earlier on. I wouldn't have spoke jokes out." He says honking the horn on a stoplight. "She's not f*cking answering my calls!" I reply in attempt of dialing her for the nth time. "What am I suppose to do?" He exhales glancing at me concerned. "Drive quicker!" I yell green light flashing as I said. "If maybe you guys lived not on the opposite side of civilization then maybe we'd get there quicker, eh?!" He replies just as loud. "Maybe if you let me f*cking drive-" I start. "Then we'd be dead by now, won't we?!"

end of part one of two~~
All good things come to an end. Even mediocre sprousehart fanfiction... 💫


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