"Battle between Rd and Decent"

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RD was walking in the woods alone until someone blocked her way....

RD: uhm...excuse me..you're blocking..my way

Decent: where are you going? To see Pinkie again?...I can't let you take her away from me

RD: uhm..pardon me but you two didn't hang out long and well...you only met her once in the royal ball...so get out of my way!

Decent: don't you dare demand a prince like me

RD: I'm not demanding you Prince Decent I just want you to get out of my way

Decent: not until you tell me where you're going to go!

RD: to the castle...

Decent: no!!

RD: of the two sisters...

Decent: oh...hmp... -walks away-

RD: sheesh -walk towards the castle of the two sisters-

Decent: you can't have Pinkie....

-in the castle-

Rarity: -saw RD- oh..hi..RD

RD: hi Your majesty....are you alone here?

Rarity: nope..I'm with my friends...

RD: oh...is Princess Pinkie with you?

Rarity: why of course deary follow me

RD follow Rarity towards the castle library....

Pinkie: Hi Dashie!!!

RD: hi....princess

Pinkie: what are you doing here?

RD: Just visiting this castle..AJ is with her family today so..I decided to go here...

Pinkie: ohh...I don't know what to do here..Twilight is studying,Fluttershy is with her too and Rarity is busy with the old banners here....

RD: oh we can hang out if you want

Pinkie: really?? YAY!!

Pinkie and RD headed to the other side of the castle...

Pinkie: be careful of trap doors

RD: oh I will..you too

Pinkie: -grin- I will..so RD...how are you?

RD: I'm good...nothing's new...how about you Princess?

Pinkie: I'm good too and please call me Pinkie..we're friends now

RD: as you wish Pinkie

Pinkie: you're very friendly RD I like you

RD: I like you too Pinkie...

They both have fun hanging out together until someone disturb them.....

Decent: I knew it!!

RD: you again???

Decent: I can't let Pinkie fell in love on you!! -grab Pinkie's wrist-

RD: she belongs to me!! -grab Pinkie's other wrist-

Pinkie was shocked after what RD said.."maybe she really fell In love on me"as she thought but Decent want her too...she must choose between them....

RD: let her go!! She's my friend!

Decent: she's my future wife

Pinkie finally made her decision...she know who to choose that really fit her the most..but now..she's too scared to tell it to them..they're fighting she doesn't want to be joined...

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