year 2171

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            So the year is 2171 now, and if you thought that I would fight the system and try to allow all the sick and healthy people live together in harmony, you thought wrong. Of course I thought about it, but no, I never did it. After our experience with our parents and hearing all the horror stories from out there told in here, we decided to trust the system. It only took one thought of our treasured Rye to remind us of how precious our lives were being apart of the healthy generation.

           As it turns out the sick are almost gone now that we have been here for thirteen years. And our time spent here has not been all that bad. Our surface area increased as our numbers did and the sick lessened, and both Jillian and I found someone to start a family with. Jillian met a boy right away named Carter and they now have 9 children, the exact amount Safe Haven requires, and I found a girl named Meredith a few years into being here and we have 5 children. 

            In seven years we will all be released as our numbers will drastically outnumber the sick, and those who are sick will hopefully be all rounded up and no longer a threat to our lives. When this happens Captain Phillips will become the official President of the United States and all of us will work together to restore the United States just like we did to Rye's home all those years ago.

          And now, at 29 years old I can finally answer the question of why me and my fellow combinemates are completely healthy and why for so many years the generations before us were not. It is as simple as pollution. When pollution was at an all time high all those years ago it gave people sort of Aphasia like symptoms as their brains could no longer connect what words meant either when they heard them, spoke them, or read them. But as people spiraled into zombie like states, they stopped driving cars, riding planes, using things that required labels and packaging, and for about 30 years the pollution just stopped. Of course the minimal amount of buses and pollution that was already there still took it's toll, but now we have our answers. Around the time that me and my sister and all the other healthy people were born the pollution was almost obsolete, so we were unaffected. It was only those who were born and raised in Aphasia-X that suffered the horrible consequences. And it was because of less sick people like Rye who got lucky enough to keep her wits about her that our generation had the chance to survive and restart our lost society.

             So in 2178 my family will be released and Jillian's family will be released and we will grow our children in a world where they can read and write and play without worries, and they will always remember our family's personal heroin, Valerie Rye.  And we will all drive smart-cars and recycle. 

                                                                                          THE END

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