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It was finally time to start middle school. It was a new school. New scenery, a fresh clean slate to begin the school year. On the first day of school, I saw everyone I remembered from the year prior in Woodsdale. I started to reconnect with them and we all remembered all the fun times we had back then. It was great to see all of them. But I haven't seen one person yet and it was Kaitlyn until, I was walking down the hall and I saw her putting stuff in her locker. My god, she changed a lot. She had short hair, that only went down to her ears. Instead of wearing a dress on the first day, she ditched them for ripped jeans, a cute t-shirt and ankle-strapped sandals. I immediately got turned on by her but then I realized something, I hadn't talk to her all summer! I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to make an awkward situation between us, so I stroll on by. When I walked by her, I saw her quickly glance up at something or someone in the corner of my eye. I couldn't tell if she was looking at me or at anyone else because the hallway was flooded with people. But it never crossed my mind again. As time went by in 7th grade, my feelings for Kaitlyn had diminished and I started to have crushes on other girls. One crush in particular had me going wild. Her name was Emily. Just like Kaitlyn, She was a short, blond-hair girl. She was taller than Kaitlyn, but not by a big margin. She was beautiful. I talked to her everyday and I was happy. My mind would go blank every time I saw her. I told my friends about my crush I had on Emily, but my friends being the loud mouths that they are, rumor got around, and soon enough Emily found out. One day, She walked up to me with a smirky smile on her face. She told me she wanted to ask me something. In my mind, I started to ask myself, what does she need? It was kind of odd, until the question that she asked me, dropped me like a bomb. She asked me if I had a crush on her. When she asked that question, I felt my whole entire body freeze. My world came crashing down on me. My mind was pacing, and I didn't know what to say. I just stood there and stared at her. It looked like I was in some sort of trance or I was being hypnotized. Emily snapped her fingers across my face, and I came back to life as if I was a zombie. So she repeated the same question. I replied in a shy manor and told her " yes, I do. I really didn't want anyone to tell you, hope your not upset". She grabbed my hand and she told me that It was fine. She reassured me that she didn't mind me having a crush on her at all. The relief that came over my body was unreal and satisfying too. After that, we walked to class together and she started to ask more questions about me having a crush on her, but this time, I wasn't afraid to answer. Although, once in a while I would see Kaitlyn in the hallway time to time. However, I would never say anything to her. I was so scared on what would she say. I always believed that she wouldn't remember me. Of course my assumptions were wrong again. One morning I walked by her in the hallway and she saw me. She said hi. I was looking around to see if she was talking to anyone else in the hallway. The hallway was completely empty. It was just me and her. I replied with a hello too, but after that, it was complete silence. It was one hell of a awkward moment. The one thing I wanted to avoid, and I couldn't do it. She finally told me bye, but me being the nice guy I walked her to class. This was one of the last moments I talked to her for my 7th grade year. For now, It was about getting good grades and heading up to the 8th grade.

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