Part 1

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Y/N roused himself from sleep, feeling incredibly exhausted. He had been up all night watching anime and wishing he would live a life like that. As he got up, he looked over at his room. He had many different posters of anime characters, mostly female (I wonder why) and some comics.

As he went into his kitchen, he saw his mother greeting the mailman. Of course, the mailman was completely infatuated by her, as if she was the most beautiful creature on the fucking planet. Y/N sighed, this always happened. His mother had a superpower that made her look like the most attractive woman in the world, no matter what the other person is into. People call it the Aphrodite Power.

The mailman gave her the mail, and sped off, running at around 100 miles an hour.

No biggie, everyone in this world had a power, no matter how weak. Sorta like an anime Y/N watched, called My Hero Acadamia. However, unlike that show, everyone had a power, no matter how weak.

He walked up to his mother, who, in her original, non altered form (only family members can see this), she had blue hair and deep brown eyes.

"Hey honey, how are you doing?" She asked, opening the box.

"Good, I guess. Little tired."

"Because you spend all that time on your phone watching those cartoons instead of sleeping." She scolded jokingly, then pulled out the item inside the box.

Inside was his school uniform. Y/N was going to high school. And no, there's no school for fucking superheroes. If you want to be a hero, you can just go out and do it.

"Oh boy, I bet you can't wait to be a senior! King of the school!" His mother cheered.

Y/N shrugged, indifferent. "I guess, what makes it different from any other year of high school? Same classmates, same boring routine."

His mom crossed her arms, but said nothing.

"Anyway, I'm going out Mom!" Y/N said, walking out the door.

"Okay, just don't get into any trouble!" She called out after him.

Y/N walked down the street when a car flew right past him. He jumped, and turned to see a girl wearing a crown and a luchador mask and wearing a ponytail. She was dressed in a red skin tight suit, showing off her curves. She was fighting a girl who was wearing a green lizard-like suit with goggles, who had suddenly disappeared.

Y/N heard of these two. The Chameleon and the Baroness Boxer. They were rivals that constantly fought all over the city. The Chameleon was protecting the city from the Boxer, who wanted to take over it. (OF COURSE!)

Y/N ducked out of the way as a fire hydrant was thrown directly at him. The Boxer then jumped over to him and grabbed him.

"You wouldn't hit a bystander, would you?" She asked, threatening the Chameleon. Y/N slowly started to panic, and looked into the Baroness Boxer's eyes. She looked back and suddenly, Y/N felt a click. He raised his arms, and lightly flicked the Boxer's wrists. She dropped him immediately, and gave a grunt of pain. She looked at him.

"You have the power punch too?" She asked in wonder, "wanna meet up later to talk about it?" She asked, before getting slapped across the face by a plastic tail. The Chameleon had walked up to her and hit her while she was distracted. The Boxer fell down, looked Y/N in the eye, and feigned a punch at the Chameleon, only to slip a piece of paper into Y/N's pocket, then jumped off, ditching the Chameleon.

The Chameleon looked over Y/N to see if he was okay, then disappeared, leaving Y/N to unfold the paper. Inside was a phone number, and the words: 'Call me.'

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