chapter 7: Rumpy Pumpy

Start from the beginning

Finn took a deep breath, then moaned loudly. He cringed and did it again. “Come on,” he urged Puck.

“Yeah, baby!” Puck called out. He shuddered with embarrassment.

“Oh yeah,” Finn cried. He had to close his eyes for the next part. “Fuck me.”

Puck laughed. “Oh yeah. Ugh, Ugh.”

“Wait. What are we supposed to be actually doing?” Finn asked.

“Let's not create visuals,” Puck pleaded. He scrambled up onto his knees and started bouncing a little so that the bed moved and creaked. “Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy?”

Finn laughed. “Oh Puck. Yeah.” 

“That's it baby. Oh yeah.”

“Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.”

They kept it up for about ten minutes, alternatively laughing and cringing. Finn joined Puck in bouncing on the bed so that it was slapping against the wall. Finally they roared out together before collapsing onto the bed, panting for breath. 

“Was is good for you?” Puck asked.

“Best gay sex I’ve ever had,” Finn joked. 

Puck laughed and climbed off the bed. “I'm going to go to bed.”

“What? No cuddling?”

“Cuddle this,” Puck said, flipping him off. He grabbed the spare blanket and pillow from the wardrobe and made up the pull-put bed. 

Finn washed his teeth and slipped under the sheets of the bed. He lay in the dark, replaying the events of the day in his mind.

Thinking about their encounter with Quinn, and then Puck's reaction to her, he realized that he had missed a few vital clues. “Hey, Puck, do you have feelings for Quinn Fabray?”

The only response he got was a snore. He wasn't sure if it was real or fake, but clearly he wasn't going to get any further conversation out of Puck tonight. So Finn rolled over and went to sleep. 

The next morning, Finn and Puck went down early for breakfast. The dining room was half empty and the people that were there were too hungover to react in any way to the gay couple. 

“It looks like we were the only ones who left the party early last night,” Finn commented.

Puck looked around and nodded. “You know what that probably means? All our neighbors were still at the bar last night when we were putting on a show for them upstairs.”

“Oh, shit.”

Puck laughed at the dumbfounded look on Finn's face. “Ever think you'd be disappointed that you weren't witnessed engaging in man-sex?”

Finn shook his head. “Can't say that I did.”

The wedding was planned for the evening, so they had the rest of the day free. After finishing breakfast, they parted ways; Puck to play golf and Finn to do some work on his article. He wrote up his notes and drafted the first two paragraphs. When he tried to log on to the internet, he discovered that he couldn't connect. The woman who was sent up by the reception desk after he called for help had no luck either, so Finn took his laptop downstairs.

He found a quiet seat in the corner by a window at the front of settled in to work. Although the lobby was busy with people checking in, or simply passing through, the seating area was almost deserted. 

It was nice to be left alone and not having to put on a charade for a while.

When he had done as much as he could on the article, Finn took to people watching. It was one of his favorite things to do and there was plenty of activity to keep him entertained without having to interact with anybody.

He was thinking about getting a work out in before Puck came back for lunch when he saw courtesy bus pulled up in front of the hotel for the third time that morning.

Finn watched as a large group climbed out, it made him wonder how many people were going to be at the wedding. Thankfully he hadn't spotted anybody else from Lima, none that he recognized anyway.

A number of recent arrivals moved towards the main entrance, but Finn's eyes were drawn to a young women with her back to him. He watched as she struggled with the handle of her large suitcase. She was short and slender, with long dark brown hair.

His heart thumped in recognition. He would recognize her anywhere. He had spent years staring at her. 

She turned around and started up the steps to the hotel.

Rachel Berry.

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