'Ludwig Love, William Willy's'

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—William's POV—
"Have fun at school today!" Mum shouts after me as I ride my bike out of the driveway. I glance quickly at her as I turn out of the driveway and head down the road to school. It's my first day of year 7, I'm pretty confident to be honest, I mean, this is the school I've gone to all my life, all the people there know me and not meaning to brag but I'm pretty popular too. I get to school and get out my keys and bike lock and lock the bike to the bike stands. I chuck my keys into my pocket and wave to some friends I can see on top of the hill in front of the school. I walk up to them and we start chatting. I haven't seen any of them in person since last term. I've obviously talked to them over discord and played CS with them, but otherwise I've not met up with anyone really over the whole summer holidays. We start walking towards the school because our first class is about to start. I sit down in the classroom around a table with some of my best mates. I'm pretty excited for this year actually, I've heard that there are a few new students starting, I can't wait to make new friends! The teacher walks into the classroom, I've never seen her at school and honestly I am grateful for that.. because oh my she is ugly. She introduces herself her name is Emma Pok and says she is new to the school and excited to get to know us all, she'll be having us for homeroom and Swedish and also Spanish for the kids who chose that for LOTS (language other than Swedish) about 35 minutes after a boy walks into the classroom, he is dressed in full adidas clothes, he has almost shoulder length light blonde hair the colour of sand, it's about an inch above his shoulders, his eyes are full of danger and I can see pain hiding in them, they are as blue as the ocean and I'm convinced if I stare long enough into them they will take me captive. Slowly drowning me. Gustav notices I'm staring at the boy, he shoves his elbow into my right arm, waking me from my daydream. "Dude what the fuck, you've been staring at the new kid for like 2 minutes, are you gay or something?" He chuckles, I laugh a bit and say "no you are" hoping it will hide the truth. Emma Pok tells us all to stand in a circle for a 'getting to know you' game we move some of the table and chairs a bit further back to make room for the circle. "Everybody is going to say their name and something you like that starts with the first letter of your name, I'll start" Emma Pok says to us all "Emma everything!" She says cheerfully I lean over to Gustav and whisper in his ear "oh yay, we have a cheesy optimist for a teacher!" And role my eyes, he laughs but tries to hide it so Emma won't hear and ask what's so funny. We go around in the circle everyone saying their names and a thing they like "Mattias Math" says the first kid "Fabian Football" says the next "Lova Lion" "Elsa Elephant" "Elin Apple" wait what? Did she just say apple? Her name is Elin... that's with an E? I look at Gustav and see how hard he is trying not to laugh I'm trying just as hard myself... "Gustav Gluten Free Goat Cheese" Gustav says I crack up launching then stop when I realise it's my turn "William Willy's" I say and make Gustav laugh along with some other kids in the class, most of the girls just look at me like I'm pathetic.. I told my eyes and forget about them. The girls in this class are so lame and have no sense of humour. We go around the rest of the circle, the last person is the gorgeous blonde boy with the blue eyes "Ludwig love!" He says, we can all tell he is joking from the way he says it and smirks. He has a nice name, I like it.. Ludwig.

Ludwig's POV—
Bzzzz bzzzzz bzzzz "stupid alarm.. shut up!" I say turning off the irritating buzzing and role over to pick up my phone
"FUCK" I yell loudly as I look at the time. 7:30 am... I'm gonna be late to my first fucking day of school, amazing! I get up and shower, chuck on some adidas sweats and a clean, fresh out the washing machine hoodie to match, obviously adidas too. I brush my hair a little bit so I don't look completely homeless and then chuck on a black New York Yankee's Cap then put my hoodie over the top, I brush my teeth and head downstairs. I look at the kitchen "should I eat?" I say quietly to myself "eh nah fuck it" I say and put on my shoes "mum I'm leaving" I yell mum comes running down the stairs fully dressed "Ludwig!!! Let me drive you!! Please honey?!" She sounds so excited and full of life, it makes me happy "that would be great, thanks mum" I say and she gives me a hug. I live pretty far away from my new school so it'll take about an hour and a half if mum drives me, and 2 hours if I go by bus. Mum and I hop in the car and I play some music she doesn't say much just smiles the whole car ride and dances a little bit to some of the songs I play. When we arrive outside the school it's 9:05 I'm 35 minutes late. Just. Great. I pick up my bag and open the door then step out of the car. "Have fun today sweetie!! Make loads of friends, I love you!" Mum says "yeah. Sure." I say and shut the door and walk towards my new school.. I walk into the classroom and everyone's head turns towards me, I sit down in the very back of the class hoping it will make everyone stop staring they all do, except one boy.. he stares at me for a few minutes, he has scruffy faded brown hair, an adorable face, and is wearing some black saggy jeans and a red and black checkered shirt. He's gorgeous, oh my... I shake my head and try to get ride of the strange feeling crawling in my stomach.

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