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" Yaa !! what happened to you ? Can't you at least spend a minute with me ?? Exam is far more way to go and you know I can't have a leisure time everyday " Jungkook said as he knock Eunha's door room .

" Yaa , if you keep ignoring and abandoning me , I will do the same things to you " Jungkook yell but Eunha still ignoring him and lock herself in her room .

Jungkook let a hard snort out before he shout in front of her door " Fine !! You asked for it " Jungkook slammed the door as he get out from Eunha's house .

Meanwhile ,

Eunha let a heavy sight out " Just a little bit more . Please hang in there a little bit more " she said underneath her breath .

After that , Jungkook never once call , text nor meet her . As usual , Eunha go to school but today , she seems nervous .

As she sit at her place , she just can't stop from praying and a cold sweat start come out from her temple . She got startled when someone hold her wrist .

" Don't scared , this is just an exam for conforming your qualification to entering the university . Answer it as your monthly test at school , okay ?? " a teacher who in charge to handling the exam convince her .

Eunha tried to curve a smiled as she slowly nodded . Exam start and Eunha do her best for this exam .

As she walked passed by the school gate , she sigh in relief . At least , the exam that she afraid of already pass but now she need to go through another exam . Persuade Jungkook . It's been almost a month since both of them lost contact .

She take out her phone and while walked to her home , she called Jungkook for several times and text him a bunch of text .

It almost 3 days she keep struggling but somehow her effort seems hopeless when Jungkook never once answer it . Eunha sigh .

Lastly , she decide to go and meet him at his dorm . She take her phone and get out from her house . As she walked , she never stop from trying calling him . Trying and trying until she don't notice there's a car in high speed heading to her and she can't do anything to avoid it .

Several day after ,

Jungkook take a look at his phone . It's been a week since Eunha stop from trying to call nor text him . He pouted .

' Did she already surrender from persuading me ? '

" Yah Jeon Jungkook , palliwa , we need to practise back " Yoongi said .

" Ah , araseo hyung " he said and leave his phone behind . Even he tried to ignore it , he still feel uneasy with it .

As it distract him , Jungkook lost his focus while practising make he tripped on his own leg .

" Aahh ! " he whined as he thinks his leg already sprained . All his hyung approached him while Jin take a look of it .

" You need to be cure at hospital " he said and as soon as that , Jungkook being rush to the hospital .

Meanwhile he got his treatment ,

" Jungkook-ah , I need to go to the toilet and I bring Jimin along with me . Don't worry , we will come back as soon as possible " Taehyung said and get out from there while pulling Jimin with him .

" Jungkook ? are you Jeon Jungkook ?? " the doctor asked .

" Dwae doctor " he answered .

" Aah ~ , so you're Jeon Jungkook " she said .

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