First Lesson for Frank, Don't mess with Chemicals

Depuis le début

"Bloody disgusting," Ray said.

"You asked," Nick snapped. Then he moved as far away from us as he could.

"Nice going Ray," Gerard said with a smirk. Ray shook his head. I giggled and looked up at the staff table. I caught the eye of a teacher with greasy black hair. My scar prickled painfully when I looked at him.

"Percy, who is the teacher with the black hair?" I asked.

"That's Professor Bert Snape, the potions master. He's been trying to get the Defence Against the Dark Arts teaching position for years though," Percy replied.

"Oh," I replied. I took one more glance at Snape, then looked back down at my plate.

I wasn't all that hungry anymore...

"Frank, c'mon. Dinner's over," Gerard said. He jabbed me in my side.

"I'm coming," I grumbled. Me, Ray, Gerard, Mikey, and the rest of the first year Gryffindors followed Percy to a picture of a fat lady wearing a ugly pink dress.

"Pig snout," Percy said. The fat lady swung open and revealed a comfy looking common room.

"Girls over there, boys over here," Percy said. Me, Gerard, Mikey, and Ray shared a dorm with each other.

"So... What class do you have first tomorrow?" I asked.

"Potions," they all replied.

"Oh, I do, too!"

"Fred and George told me Snape is a really mean teacher," Gerard said glumly.

"I wouldn't doubt it," I agreed.

"Whatever. Let's get some sleep," Ray yawned.

"Yes, mum. Whatever you say," Gerard replied.

"Fuck off, Gerard," Ray growled.

I chuckled to myself as I listened to them bicker. I think I'm gonna like it here...

The Next Day in Potion's class

"I am Professor Snape, the potions master. There will be very little foolish wand waving in my classroom. I can teach you how to bottle fame, create luck, and even put a stopper in death. I assure you only the best will succeed in my class. The weak will crumple under the pressure," Snape said in a voice so quiet it was almost a whisper. 

Ray was clinging on to every word that Snape was saying. Mikey looked terrified, and Gerard looked like he was taking this all as a joke.

"Today... We will be making a test substance. It will have no harm on you... If you do it correctly," Snape said. His eyes scanned the room and landed on me for a fraction of a second before his mouth twisted into an evil grin. I gulped.

"The instructions are up on the board. Follow them carefully. At the end of class you will test your potions," Snape said.

"Shit, I'm going to die," I said. Gerard snickered.

"Get to work," Ray whispered.

"I'm seriously starting to think you're my mum," Gerard laughed. Ray hit him on the arm with his potion book. Gerard dramatically grabbed his arm and pertended like he needed to get his arm cut off.

"Mr. Weasley, stop messing around," Snape snapped.

When Snape's back was turned Gerard mock saluted him.

"Get to work, Gee," I sighed.


We worked very hard on our potions.

Well, not really. Me and Gerard kept messing around and Mikey had no idea what he was doing.

Ray was the only one who probably wouldn't get poisoned.

I hope Snape had an antidote...

"Time's up. Time to drink your potions," Snape snapped.

I gulped and took a sip. 

I gagged and spit it out. Right on Snape.

"MR. POTTER!" Snape yelled.

"Sorry," I whispered.

"Clean this up!" Snape yelled. I rolled my eyes and did as he asked. His face was as red as Gerard's hair. Ironically, I couldn't see Gerard's hair at the moment. He was rolling around on the floor laughing his ass off. While Snape wasn't looking, I threw my sponge at him. He chuckled and threw it back. It hit me in the face.

"This isn't over, Weasley," I hissed.

"Bring it, Potter," Gerard replied with a smirk on his face.

"Class dismissed," Snape growled. Gerard and I grabbed our stuff and ran out.

"That was terrible," Gerard panted.

"I wanna stab him," I replied. Gerard chuckled and nodded.

"C'mon. Lets get to Transfiguration."


Well, what'd y'all think? I was guilted into writing the potion's part by Gerard who played the "You meanie I worked for 3 hours to write you a good chapter!" card. 

Write them essays on Gerard's amazing cover, bitches! We love reading them! They amuse us xD If you do, we will seriously dedicate a chappie to you. No joke.

Comment, vote, share with your friends if this chapter is worthy of it.

It better be, I was sick while writing most of it... I worked hard... 


Frank Potter and the Forbidden Chemical RomanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant