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1 year later
Dee pov

"Dee,nova is here."said jermaine.

"Okay.I am coming!"I put my heels on.I walk to the living room.

"Woah."said jermaine.

"Oh my goodness."said nova.

"I look that bad?you know what I never mind.I don't want to go to prom no more."nova grabbed my hand.

"You look beautiful."said nova.

"Pose."said jermaine.he took a few pictures.

"Wait,I can't do this no more."

"Do what?"asked nova.I took my heels off and went to my room.I put on some black jordans.I went back.

"Okay that's better."

"But you can't wear tennis shoes with a beautiful dress like that."said jermaine.

"I put the dress on.don't push it."then we heard a knock on the door.nova answered it.nova mom and sister walked in.

"You look pretty."said alexy.I smiled at her.

"Still quiet as ever.honey,you should come to house more."said nova mom.I nodded.

"Now we came here for some pictures."said alexy.

"Dee,you do know Jordan don't go with dresses.do you have some heels?"asked nova mom.

"Well,she did have some-"then I stomped on nova foot.nova bite his lip in pain.be glad I didn't have heels or that would have hurt more.I smiled innocently at him.

"She hates heels."said jermaine.nova mom nodded.then they took some pictures.

"Nova hold close dee."said nova mom.nova held me closer to him.he put his forehead on my mines.

"Don't kiss my face.it took too long to this makeup."I said in low tone to him.he smirked.he kissed my cheek lighty.I glared at him.

"Chill.you still cute."said nova.

"You guys should get going."said  alexy.I nodded.I picked up my dress and walked with nova to his car.

"Wait."then I went to my car and grabbed the dog tags off my rear mirror.I put it on.

"Who dog tags are those?"Asked nova.

"its my dads.I wanted my moms tags but we buried her in it."he nodded.we hop in the car.

"You going dance tonight?"asked nova.

"Nope.that's why I pick a big dress so I have excuse."he rolled his eyes.Then we pulled up the event center.he park the car far from entrance.

"I am so glad I change my shoes or my feet would be dead before I made it to the door."

"But the heels look cute."

"But not comfortable."then we went to building.I held nova hand as we walked around the  dance floor.

"Dee!"said latto.She hugged me.

"You wearing a dress?"asked flau'jae.

"Don't get use to it."

"We should take a selfie."said Roscoe.he pulled his phone.we all  got around him.

"send in the group chat."said mani.

"I will."

"We should take selfies in the mirror!"said flau'jae.she grabbed me and latto.we went to restroom.flau'jae pulled her phone out.We pose in mirror.

"Sent that too to the chat."said latto.then flau'jae nodded.

"This some good lightening."

"I know right."said flau'jae.then peach and tally walked in.I thought they moved schools.

"Look who we have here.mutey got doll up for prom."said peach.latto was about to buck at her but I shook my head at her.

"look like you still need backup."said tally.Who bring their ugly asses to prom?I smiled.

"Fuck you."tally and peach look surprised at me.flau'jae and latto smirked.then I punched peach in the eye.

"ow!you bitch!"said peach.then I grabbed latto and flau'jae hands.I ran out the restroom.

"Dee,slow down we are wearing heels."said latto.I let go of their hands.they went off to find their boyfriends.I saw nova leaning on the wall talking his friend.I walked up to them.

"Cute date,man."the guy said.

"Yup and she all mine,john."said nova.he held my hand.john chuckled.then he walked away.


Me and nova watched as everyone was dancing.

"Dee,one song."said nova.


"Please."he pouted.I sighed.

"Fine."then we went to dance floor.

"Of course you would choose the slowest to dance to."he shrugged.he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.this is nice.

"Don't step my dress."

"I won't."after the song ended.nova kissed me.

"Okay.now I am ready to leave."he said with a smile.we walked to entrance door.

"Bitch!"yelled peach.she was  running to me.I waited until the last minute and moved out the way.she hit the door.nova high fived me.we walked to the car.

"Best night ever."

"I can't disagree."he smiled.I smiled back him.

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