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gracefully_ after shooting today we're holding a random af cast party! might be doing autographs if u see us outside door b but no promises (wE STILL LOVE U THO MWAH) 💋


user1 holy shit (what happened to yOU) i know where i'm gonna be tonight!


user2 did y'all see the fight b/w grace and finn on instagram?????


imonthekase yEET IM EXCITED
sadiesink me too kase!!
taylovesnoah mE tOo kAsE!1!1


jackdgrazer might be at the premiere!
user3 lol bye
gracefully_ oh nice! c u there!




user4 all u lucky asses that get to meet grace and kasey and tay and the rest of the cast can suck my everloving dick i hate yall


"and cut!" matt duffer said.

grace vilmore's cheeks were flushed as she tried to compose herself after the scene she had just shot.

stranger things season three was so far already plunging headfirst into drama, and it was only one of the many scenes of the second episode.

grace's character, julie, was best friends with max. and it seemed as though mike wheeler was spending most of the beginning of the summer looking at julie instead of el, his girlfriend.

they scene they had just finished was a significant scene. her and max had been by the arcade, sitting on the curb and eating popsicles, and had a conversation about their parents. julie's mom had died, and she was finally opening up about it to someone.

meanwhile, mike and his friends, including max's boyfriend, lucas, had come out of the arcade. mike had spotted julie and was looking at her, which the camera had made sure to pan too and show how big of a deal it was.

needless to say, the fans were going to lose their complete shit over their precious mileven.

and it didn't help that her and finn were currently not speaking to one another. things were so tense between the two that it felt as if they would snap at any moment.

sadie, millie, kasey, tay, and the rest of the kids of the cast all knew about the drama between the two, and were treading very carefully.

the adults though were fucking clueless.

"hey, finn and grace!" ross called, and beckoned them to his side. "so we're gonna have a scene between you all really soon to develop this thing you all have going on, and you need to loosen up! really feel for each other's characters and get some chemistry! yeah?"

he held up both hands for a high five, and they reluctantly slapped his palms.

"great!" he said enthusiastically. "first thing tomorrow, alright?" he turned towards the cast and crew. "let's break for today guys! cast party!"

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