Chapter 3

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Later on I joined back up with Emma-Louise and Samantha at the drinks table. "How’ve your evenings’s been?" I asked

"Fine," Sam replied "Emma hasn't gotten into any fights yet."

"That's good... oh no..." I watched Emma argue with one of my classmates, brandishing the champagne bottle, stolen earlier, menacingly. I sighed and walked off. "Boo" somebody said from behind me. I turned around to see a smallish girl that I recognised immediately. "Mica!" I cried, delighted to see my old friend "What are you doing here?!"

"I work here. Plus I asked to do this particular prom" she winked at me

"Excuse me" I was starting to feel a little light headed. I sat down and watched Peter Brunel, a boy we used to tease in year 8, attempt to dance with Milly Phillips, another year 8 friend. I laughed when she stepped on Peter's toe, just to show him who's boss. Peter hopped over to another chair. "Hi Lily..." he started "No, I won't dance with you" I said bluntly and then ignored him. After the song it was time to eat. I sat with Sam and Emma as usual. “Lily, are you feeling alright?” Sam asked.

“Of course. Are you feeling alright?” I teased. Then my voice went quiet and serious “You’ve taken you insulin, right?” Sam nodded. “Good. Don’t want anybody dying tonight.” Emma and Sam exchanged glances. “Am I missing something?”

“Oh, no Lily.”

“Are we gonna eat, then?”

“I am. I don’t know about you, Lily. You never eat.” Emma said through a mouthful of salad. Emma was right. While she and Sam worked through 3 courses I barely touched my meal. I barely ate anything anymore. Especially the first few days after treatment. While Sam and Emma ate their dessert I watched the front of the room, waiting for prom king and queen to be announced. “Year Eleven” Our head of year, Mrs Mills, said into a microphone “Please quieten down. It’s time for our awards. Best dressed, Emma Matthews” I applauded as my friend made her way to the stage. Mrs Mills went on with the awards and I switched off until I heard “And now it’s time for this year’s prom royalty to make their debut. Our court jester is Emma-Louise Carmichael.” I clapped and whistled as Emma went to the stage to collect her jester cap and certificate. “Prom Prince, William Lore.” I clapped again, just out of politeness. “Prom Princess, Lily Lewis.” I started clapping, then I realised. My name had been called. I was the prom princess! I walked proudly, not caring about how obvious it was that I was wearing a wig. I was crowned, grinning from ear to ear “Prom King, Peter Brunel” I looked at Milly Phillips; she had an evil look in her eye. “Prom Queen, Samantha Dickinson” I cheered and clapped as Sam walked up, staring in disbelief at the crown she had won. When we got offstage I said “There’s only one day in my life that could be better than today!”

“What’s that?” Sam asked. Emma elbowed her in the ribs. “OW! Oh, yeah. Obviously.” We spent some time dancing together, and then I started coughing and wheezing. Sam and Emma took me to sit down. “Is Lily ok?” Mrs Mills asked as we passed her “We don’t know.” Emma replied. “But we know how to sort it out.” It was true. Sam and Emma had gone out of their way over the past few years to make sure they I was comfortable and they knew how to deal with my cancer. This including having first aid training, classes on how to look after someone with cancer, knowing my medication schedule and making sure I stick to it, knowing which of my medicines do what and knowing what to do in an emergency. I started to feel a little woozy, and my eyelids felt heavy. “Lily, don’t you dare.” The next thing I knew I was being given a handful of pills and a glass of water. I swallowed the pills and felt a little better. “Lily, you are to stay right here. Sam and I will be with you the whole time but you have to rest for a moment. You haven’t stopped and you’ve barely eaten all evening.” I just nodded “Can I sleep?” I asked.

“No.” Sam said firmly, “But you can lie down” She helped me lie down in a comfortable position over a few chairs. She and Emma went slightly further away and started whispering. I caught glimpses of their conversation “We can’t let her”-“Isn’t tonight the night?”-“She told us years ago, we read the story.”-“Which story? She had loads!”-“The one after she told us, in year eight”-“I think I die on prom night?” –“Yes” I didn’t understand the conversation, so I just ignored it. My eyelids felt heavy again, and they started to close. Sam looked behind her and rushed over. She started shaking me, “Lily, you have to stay with us. No sleeping.” Emma crouched down next to Sam “I’m so scared. What if she was right? What if she actually dies?” Sam whispered. That’s right, I’m dying, I have cancer.

“She won’t.” Emma stated. “I won’t let her. If she tries I’ll pour powerade down her throat-“


“And if that doesn’t work I’ll pour boiling hot coffee in her mouth-“


“Sorry.” Emma said meekly. “We should go soon.”

“Let me say goodbye to Alex!” I protested. Sam shrugged and ran off to get him. She came back with Alex

“Lily...” He whispered, staring. Alex turned to Sam and Emma. “What’s going on?” He demanded

“I’m dying” I answered

“You’re what...?” He crouched down to look at my face

“I’m dying, and I want to say... goodbye...” I whispered, a tear coming to my eye.

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