chapter 1- the mist is here

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Charter 1 – THE mist is there

Let me tell You about a girl who was very diffrent from others and was very special..
It all begains when she was alone in THE dark...

it was a very late Night for her, she was all alone in THE darkness and she coulden't understand what happend because she was not like others.
Her name was Mary White  and Mary is very diffrent from others both overnatural things but also humans. She was a mixt betwin shinigami and demon but also a death angel. Mary have sisters and a brother but she don’t know where they are and she don’t even know where she was ether.

marys PVO:
i was all alone here in the darkness but i don’t know where i am and i don’t remember how i end up here. Im not afraid of the darkness i Love the darkness because it’s lonely like me now. I have Always been alone and nobody have even card about me because You see im not human, im a mixt betwin some overnatural things but how ? I don’t know, My name is Mary White craven and im older Then i look.
Shinigami’s can’t ages but i Can and it’s not so fun. My hair can Change it’s colors depents on how i feel And My eyes change to so what Can i say? My normal hair colors is Gray/silver White but it Can change to others, My eyes change betwin blue and green/yellow so yes i can have My shinigami eyes. But i don’t know how i have craven as One Of My last name. Anyway it’s Cold here where i am and it’s full of gravenstons so maybe im in a cementary? Or i Guess because im blind on One eye so i can’t really say IF im in a cementary or dead. Well IF i was dead Then i can’t think right so i most be alive. I Guess i Can sit here with THE stone.

Undertaker’s PVO:
hehe it start to be a mist(fog) here once again~ i need to make the last costumer pretty befor i need to go till the cementary and see so nothing is wrong~
As i work on My Little costumer i hear the  door open and i already Know WHO it was~
"Welcom My Little lord, are you here for fit in a coffine?~"

" No im here for some information about a girl"
"Oh hehe well You Know The Price ~"
----------After THE joke that onebody knows about-----
"Well undertaker what do you Know about a girl that is showing like a Ghost?"
"Hehehe well My Young lord, about the girl i dont have any information about but she has probely killd this corpses~"
"Hmm so she kills others for fun hum, well Thank You undertaker!"
"Hehehe well your wellcome My lord~"
When the young lord have left i start to think about that girl and who she was.

Nobodys PVO:
Mary was stil in the cementary and touth about a thing, she remember when she was a child and a  man with Long silver/Gray White hair and glowing eyes that only a grim reaper could have.

marys memory:
i sat alone in the forset and i did't Know how to get home so i start to cry, but Them he spoke to me "hehehe well what do i have here hm? What are a small child like You doing all alone here inthe forset Little One?~ "

Mary who was so afraid didnt Know how to respond so she say the  only thing she knew she could do…"im not suppost to talk with unknown people! And im not alone so leave me alone!" But the man did't Lisen so she took her deathscythe and hope that this would make him afraid but he wasn’t, insted he start to laught at how dumn he was. "Heheheh well i did't Expect that a child would have a deathscythe!~  but WHO are You Little One? IF You already have a deathscythe Then You are a shinigami ?~"
Mary lookt att the man and cound't say anything because humans wasn’t alowe to Know about them. Mary answer with a mad voice mixt with fear "hm maybe im a shinigami but how Can You even Know? And stop call me Little One! My name is Mary White and im lost here in the forset" The man lookt at her and sit down beside where she was standing and sad " well im Adrian craven nice to meet You~ and im not a human , im just One simple shinigami to~"
Mary fall asleep in he’s knee and the memory end.

Marys PVO;
" i stil wonder who he was and why he cared about me, Will he remember me after all this years?" krack " whos there!? Show your self now or i Will kill You!! Im not jokeing! " 'wait what are im doing?! I dont even have my.. My what? WHO are im? '

Undertaker’s PVO:
"so now she is Beautiful agean hehehe. Oh dear look at The clock, its already Midnight and i need to go till The cementary"

-----------Time skipt because undertaker is snoring--------

Stil undertaker’s PVO:

" hehehe what a Beautiful Night! The mist seems to have been gone now so maybe that means she are on the cementary?~ "

As i walk through The streets of London i can’t see anyone out not even others reapers witch is weird. "Oh im already here hehehhe". C
Crack "damn it i broke a brench!" "Whos there!? Show You self or i Will kill You! Im not jokeing!"  a womens voice jail. "Hehehe this Can be fun right? "

Marys PVO:
'how Will i even protect myself ?! Im so dead!!' The man spoke "well hello there miss~ im The undertaker here in London and WHO are You IF i May ask?" Mary turn her Head and cound’t belive what she sew, but befor Mary even could anwser she  past out and fall to The ground.

Undertaker’s pov: "The poor girl seem to have past out and all The mist is gone, hmm could she have been The One that The young earl talkt about?~
Well its best IF i take her to My funeral panorl befor she Will get sick~"

End of chapters One

Undertaker's love (Undertaker x mary)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora