Eddie x Emetophobic reader

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You and Eddie have been together for a few months now. He has been the best boyfriend you have ever had. Tonight he was taking you out for dinner at a nice restaurant. The two of you were having such a nice night, until you got home. When you got inside, you started to get the feeling that something was wrong. Your stomach started to flip, so you say on the bed. Eddie sat next to you "Are you alright honey?" He asked you, rubbing your back. You were about to answer, but was stopped by a sudden urge. You gagged but wouldn't let your body win. Eddie picked you up and rushed to the bathroom.

Sitting on Eddie's lap, you trembled while leaning over the toilet. "Eddie, I'm scared." You said crying, not wanting to throw up. "I know darling, but you need to let it it happen." You could feel it coming, so you braced yourself. Your stomach emptied itself, so Eddie held your hair back and whispered calming things to you. At that point you were a sobbing mess in Eddie's lap. He held you tight, running his fingers through your hair. 

After you were sure you were done throwing up, Eddie carried you back to bed. Crawling in next to you, he wrapped his arms around your waist. You buried your face in his chest and tried to stop crying. "You did very well darling," he said " I'm proud of you. " This is why you loved him so much, he was so understanding. "I love you Eddie." You said hugging him. " i love you too (y/n). "

Eddie Gluskin one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now