chapter 2.)

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Ava's p.o.v

I woke up the next day at 6, by Ed of course.

I hope he's okay with me calling him Ed instead of dad.

I walked into the bathroom with a towel and my outfit.

I got into the shower and washed with the coconut body wash and hair wash that Ed bought yesterday for me.

I got out and dried off.

I pulled on my panties and a bra.

I then slipped on my skinny jeans,a tank top, a plain hoodie, and  my red Vans.

I walked into my room and grabbed my blow drier and my straightener.

( the bathrooms connected to her room. )

I plugged in my blow drier and dried my hair.

once it was dry, I brushed it.

I plugged in my straightener and walked back into my room.

I grabbed the bag that had all my makeup in it and I then grabbed my phone.

I walked into the bathroom and straightened my hair.

it was 7:00.

I quickly brushed my teeth and then I put on foundation, mascara, and clear lipgloss.

I walked into my room and put on deoderant and some perfume.

I put everything and unplugge everything and I walked downstairs.

I ate a bowl of cereal Ed had put out for me while he showered.

I washed the bowl and spoon and put them up.

it's not hard to find where he puits his bowls and everything.

once he got out it was 7:30.

he got dressed and got his guitar and we left for teh studio.

we got there at 7:50.

we walked in, theirs a bunch of people here.

" you can chill on the couch or sing for us. " he winked.

" haha, couch it is. " I said as I walked over to it.

I played on my phone.

I downloaded Twitter, Instagram, a Sims app and that was it.

once that was done, I made accounts on them both.

I followed Ed and some other stars.

" haay. " umm, I think his names poop,, um I forget.

" hey. " I said.

" I'm Brad. " he said.


" ayye, I'm Ava. " I said and smiled.

" your Ed's daughter, right? " he asked.

" mhm. " I said.

of course, that's how everybodys going to know me from now on.

" how old are you? " Conner shouted.

" I'm 17. " I said as I stood up.

"ooh, Bradd. " he winked.

Brad's p.o.v

" who's that babe over there?  " I said nodding my heads towards a girl on the couch with her phone.

" pretty sure it's Ed's adopted daughter. " James answered.

" she is cute. " Tristian agreed.

" I call dips. " I laughed.

" & if she doesn't like you? " he laughed.

I shrugged.

" let's go say hello. " I said.

we walked over and I sat down next to her on the couch.

" hey. " I said.

she looked up, " hey. "

" I'm Brad. " I smiled.

she looked in thought.

" ayye, I'm Ava. " she said.

she must know us?

" your Ed;s daughter right? " I asked.

" mhm. " she said.

" how old are you? " Conner asked.

" I'm 17. " she answered.


" ooh, Brad.  " Conner winked.

I rolled my eyes.

" Ava u ready? " Ed asked.

" oh, yeah. " she said standing up.

" I see you've met the Vamps. " he said and laughed.

" yeah. " she laughed.

" alright, well.. catch ya later guys. " Ed said as they walked out.

" dudee, we both are the age good for her. " Tristian winked.

" shush. " I said.

" boys, were ready for you to record. " the manager said.

here we came recording studio.

Ava's p.o.v

" I'm not really that person that goes out 24/7. " Ed said as we pulled into his house.

" your cool. " I said as we walked in.

" I followed you back on Twitter, and I gave you a shoutout. " he said.

" and I thought I was just cool enough to gain those followers. " I laughedd.

" oh, were living on take out for the rest of our lives, unless you can cook. " he laughed.

" I probably can. " I said.

" you can try tomorrow because I want pizza tonight. " he said as he pulled out his phone.

I nodded and walked up to my room.

it was about 20 minutes later when I heard the door bell go off, I igured it was the pizza man so I walked downstairs.

" hey, mate. who's that? " I heard them say, so I looked up.

" that's Ava. " he said.

thankfully, he didn't say, " the one I adopted. " I hate that term.. like they didn't have too.

" oh, cool. " he said as he stepped inside.

the pizza came moments later.

" Ava, this is Harry. Harry, this is Ava. "

" hey. " I said to Harry.

he smirked, did a head nod and followed Ed into th kitchen.

I followed in after.

we ate and I walked back upstairs.

I don't really ttalk or socialize with people if you can't tell.

guess that's what happens when you spend almost all your life in an adoption center with a bunch of kids.. nobody notices you.

I sat on my bed listening to Avril..

I ended up falling asleep around 10.


Adopted by: Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now