Falling for Autumn

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The female's body would painfully reach up and take her lovers cheek into her hand and smile as her arm would go limp and fall. A male's cry would echo through the chasm as the devil claims her spirit and whisks her away. He reaches out to no avail. He loved that woman and now the demon he hated took her. That was the last thing that was ever taken from him before his life was.

Leon would be dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans as he went to his date with Autumn. He hated going out in public with just one other person. But he loved when it was her even though it made the others that knew him extremely jealous and try to butt in. It always ruined everything. He also had taken his concealment medicine due to his tail and wings. Not many know about his extra "attachments" as he takes his medicine daily unless he isn't doing anything that day. He enters the cafe where he had first met Autumn. He would order a coffee for himself and hot chocolate for her as well.

Autumn would open the door wearing skinny jeans and a blue crop top (He loved it when she wore her crop tops as it showed her flawless skin) and have all of the male patrons and workers gaze at her for what seemed to be an hour (He was staring as well but wont admit it) She also got a few jealous looks from the females. Her brown hair flowing, her movements, everything she was made everyone stop what they were doing. She took a seat opposite of Leon and smiles as she sips her hot chocolate. 

"You did the thing again Fall"

"What thing?"

"You know the thing"


"Yeah...maybe not do that every time we hang out because we are just magnets.

"But its soooo funny watching the boys in awe"

Leon rolls his eyes "You know I hate the attention."

Within minutes their table was swarmed with men and women of all shapes and sizes. The men staring at Autumn and the women swooning over Leon trying to get his attention from the beautiful woman in front of him.

"So how did he break the news" Leon asks ignoring the woman playing with his hair.

"He texted me and also confessed he was with this other chick the entire time"


"Some bitch named Sophie that he says stole his heart in an instant."

"And after 3 years?"

"EXACTLY, he just dropped me like I was nothing to him" Autumn complained as she started to tear up

Leon would stare down the other men with fire in his eyes as he moves over and holds her close "Its fine if he wanted to drop you because you know I'm here for you"

"I-I know, but its just so hard to think about everything in the past we've done!"

"Well don't think about the past but think about the future."

"What future?! My love life is ruined and you know it lover boy!"

"Well I'm known for breaking hearts but not fixing them"

"Well start trying for my sake"

Leon then does the unexpected and kisses her. "Well thats a start right Fal-"

He is interrupted by Autumn throwing her arms around him and kissing him deeply.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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