The beginning

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10 years into the future stands a man and a woman hands entangled staring up at the one they created and now must destroy for the sake of all that exist. In the males hand is a long beautiful decorated with sapphires and diamonds broadsword, and on his back a black shield adorned with red rubies and obsideon. The female holds a dagger in hand and one in her belt. She has an old artifact around her neck that shines with the light of 1000 suns. They are both tired, worn, clothes in tatters. They share one last moment together as they fight their last. But we have yet to see the start of this destruction 

In the world of Astra there lives a 18 year old boy with black hair and a streak of white down the middle. He is 6'3 and larger than most and has a blue eye and a red eye. This is because he is the son of an angel and a demon in a world of vampires, demons, monsters, and their respective hunters. Leon the name of our protagonist has just finished his training in the academy of hunting and his job now was to protect the unknowing and the believers as most were children living in their fairy tale worlds. But little did they know their worlds were real. And here in this parentless 2-story brick barely furnished house Leon walks in and breathes a sigh of relieve.

"Finally" He speaks aloud "Done with that place forever...until I'm forced to become an instructor which is equally as bad and or worse"

He looks over at a picture frame of what his parents looked like until they died and went to their respective afterlife.

"But noooo my parents had to break the laws of heaven and hell because of love."

"There's the emotional brat" An unknown speaker says and makes him jumps as he looks over to his door way

"Maddie can we not? I kinda just got free from prison" He responds

"Ohh what are you gonna do now?" She asks

"Well it's either I die an angel,a devil, or I don't die from being hunted and my scent being the strongest out of all of you people due to me being a nephalem "

"Welp" She replies "Maybe you should try to use that thing up there" She points to a large frame with two weapons in it each one representing his parents.

"You know I hate that thing!" He snaps "It's basically the bane of my existence" 

"Yeah I know but everyone can sense its power from a mile away! It calls to us to be used and its just hanging there as decor!"

"I prefer my glaive over that thing Madison!"

"Will you two stop flirting and just make out already?" A voice calls out as a redhaired freckled boy sticks his head out of a door

"How about you get to studying  freshy." Leon replies

"You shut up lover boy" The ginger replies

"Zander be a dear and please study for your entrance exam" Madison uses her charm to persuade him

"Y-Yes ma'am" Zander stutters as he goes back to his business

"What about Aaron?" She asks

"What about Aaron?" Leon snaps "You know he wants to kill me because I have demon blood"

"Well then what about Ajax the half Yokai" Madison questions "He might be looking for a partner"

"That is a possibility." He pauses to think "But there are others, what about you?"

"Divina seems like a good choice but I don't know, my encounters with werewolf's have been dicey"

"What about you Zander? Any of your friends you thinking of partnering up?" Leon asks the younger male

"I have my friend Al that is a dullahan" Calls out the redhead

"Good start early and try to find a compatible ally, it'll help in the long run" Leon replies

The conversation would continue on for another hour before Madison had to leave. This was the calm before the storm that destroyed all that Astra was and ever will be.

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