Chapter One - Betrothal

Start from the beginning

            “Tos, my chief.  I will do many things with joy in my heart, for I am full of pride that I am the one to tame the mighty Spirit Bear!” she teased.

            They sat back down with the others.  The tribal council’s seating was reserved in the center of the celebration grounds.  The huge bonfire burned brightly behind them while the dancing of the people occurred in front of them, and the instruments played to the side of the congregation.  Her close friends, Apple Blossom, Playful Otter, and Desert Rose were the dates of the other leaders. 

            Sky Warrior, or Wawakte Towanjila, was the second ranking chief of the village.  He was the main man in charge of village affairs.  If the matter was a minor affair, he settled the problem.  Larger issues were brought before the council (made up of the four chieftains) to decide a fair and just settlement.  He was a fierce warrior, but unless it was a major raid, he usually stayed behind in the village to protect it. 

            The third leader was Wonder Worker, or Wawakankan.  He was the spiritual leader and healer of the tribe.  His shaman knowledge of spiritual incantations was distinguished above most.  He had a vast wisdom of herbs and medicinal plants that saved the lives of many.  A blushing and shy Playful Otter sat near him. 

            The final member of the council was Lone Wolf, or Isnala Sungmanitu.  He was the chief in charge of major hunting expeditions.  His stealth and tracking abilities were comparable only with those of the war chief and ultimate leader of the tribe.  Lone Wolf’s strategies for large game hunting were illustrious.  His date was Desert Rose. 

            Wawat’ecaka, Wonder Worker’s mother, brought forth more fine foods for the tribal council and their guests.  There was roasted duck, elk, deer, and rabbit.  Tinpsila, or sweet prairie turnips accompanied fresh carrots, asparagus, poke, and cress.  Indian bread, aguyapi, sweetened with fresh fruits accompanied every dish. 

            Choke cherries, blackberries, buffalo berries, and apples were in bone plates easily accessible.  Drinks of flavored berry beverages filled every cup constructed from animal horn.  Women and men ate together, an unusual practice with Indian customs, but this was a special occasion. 

            Kaitlin was known as Mazaska Zi Ista to the Indians.  The chief had named her that after her unusual coloring of her eyes: they were golden with green flecks.

            She was a delicate golden flower blooming among the dark forest of plants.  Hers was the only light-colored skin present.  The white woman's silky hair was honey-colored, kissed by the sun.  It curled in loose spirals around her face. 

            “Congratulations, Mazaska Zi Ista!” Desert Rose said with a smile.  “You, too, my chief,” she said teasingly when he lifted a brow in her direction. 

            “Yes, thank you for letting me know how I captured the mighty bear where others failed before me,” Kaitlin answered, very nearly using fluent Lakota.   She loved to jest the vibrant male beside her.

            “I will have to show you who tamed who,” Spirit Bear growled though his smile. 

            Lone Wolf was a man who valued privacy, but this intimate group of friends expanded his range of comfort to include them.  Never before had he wished for company, especially for more than two or three at a time.  Large hunts were the exception.  He added to the taunting.

            “Tos, Woniya Mato.  I believe it was you who captured her and enslaved Mazaska Zi Ista, but really just the opposite has occurred,” he informed.  The only evidence of his jest was the tiny crinkling of the edges of his eyes.

            “The fall of the mighty warrior occurred at last.  Let us chant to Wakantanka,” Wonder Worker added to the merriment.  He was the closest friend Spirit Bear had.  All four men on the tribal council were exceptionally close, but none could take the place of Wawakankan.

            Sky Warrior had to join in the teasing of the intimidating man as well.  His deep voice added, “Your enemies, toka, will praise the Great Spirit for many moons.  It was believed that the war chief of the Bear Claw Clan would never succumb to defeat.”

            “To my enemies, hiya, I will never accept defeat, my kolas, but to Mazaska Zi Ista, tos,” Spirit Bear acquiesced.  His mischievous smirk twitched the edge of his sensuous mouth as eyed Kaitlin’s reaction to the light banter.

            “Praise to Mazaska Zi Ista!” Apple Blossom said softly.  “Tell us this magic you weave that can tame a ferocious bear!”

            “Tos, we must know this secret,” said Playful Otter shyly.  She’d had a crush on the man beside her for eons, it seemed.  She was nervous around Wawakankan, but thrilled as well.  He’d know every way to entice the spirits to aid in his plight, whatever that may be, and she couldn’t resist dropping a subtle hint to her true feelings as she teased her friend. 

            Out of her peripheral vision, Playful Otter caught the gleam in Wonder Worker’s eye and the smile that tugged on the corner of his sexy lips.  She blushed and would make sure to avoid eye contact with him for a few moments. 

            “Gentlemen of council, where is my coup feather?” Kaitlin demanded playfully.  Her jest was met with four wide grins.  “I want my coup chanted before next communal meeting of village,” she continued.

            “Oh, your coup will be chanted all right,” Spirit Bear said.  “You’ll be vowing to obey me in every way,” he warned.

            The distinctive group’s conversation died away as a special dance was put on by a couple.  The dance was meant to signify the impending joining of the chief and his chosen one.  It was a dance of lovers and of happiness.  All four couples watched, enthralled, for each one felt something special for the one whose mats were placed close by.


Okay, my friends!  I need feedback.  Did I introduce too much information too quickly?  I feel I need to remind my followers of characters and their Indian names, but I also want to let new readers know what is going on just in case they haven't read the first book in the series.  I want to inform but not overwhelm.  Suggestions?  Or is it okay as is?  Thanks so much!!!!!  <3 

I'm also going to upload the next part as well - it  is more of what happened in the first book.  I'd appreciate the same comments on the second chapter as well!  Thanks again!!!!! 

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