Plans (Ask #69-71)

Start from the beginning

Lui: Is that even a question!? Vanoss is so cool! He's so strong, but he has some soft sides. He doesn't give a fuck about what others think! He's merciless! He's quick, stealthy, & brutal! *Eyes sparkles* He's just awesome!

Delirium: Aww, Lui loves Mr. Vanoss.

Lui: Of course, I- wait. . . *blush* I-It's nothing like that! I-I'm just a-admired, okay?

Delirium: What do you mean? Don't you love Mr. Vanoss? You always told me how much Mr. Vanoss is so cool & strong.

Lui: Well. . .*blush* shut up, okay?

Delirium: There's no need to be shy. *Giggles*

Lui: I said shut up, Methane!

Nogla: I call him, 'Kid', cause he's so short, and has a childish voice. It's a perfect nickname. *Giggles*


Basically: I taught myself. . .I was forced to be intelligent. . .my. . .parents. . .made me become a. . .fake genius. A robot. . .whenever I do something, I can do it. . .without learning. . .but that's not how humans are. . .I'm-

MiniLadd: *Whacks Basically's head with a folder* Marcel. . .

Basically: Ow. . .*Turns to MiniLadd* Mini?

MiniLadd: You're a human. Remember what Evan told you.

Basically: *Smiles* I know. I won't betray our Boss.

Nogla: Also. . .I think Kid made the asker cry.

Lui: No, I didn't, and stop calling me that!


KarmaXKid  "Karma: WAIT A MINUTE. I WAS SUPPOSED TO RAP BATTLE SOMEONE WAAAAAY BACK. WHO AM I RAPPING AGAINST? X: Do correct me if I'm wrong, but if memory serves me right, I believe you were to rap battle Vanoss. I apologise sincerely if I am incorrect. But if I'm right, you'll have to wait for around 7 chapters. Karma: ... Fuck."

~At Vanoss~

Vanoss: . . .Well, fine. I'll take the deal.

Sattelizer: That's great~, I'm glad you accepted.

Vanoss: Well, we're gonna have to work a bit, but only one mission can result in full recovery of the base, it's worth it, and why do you need a stupid flower?

Sattelizer: They aren't any normal flowers. They help make metals so tough, and it's pretty rare, I don't really have the time to find it.

Vanoss: Well, we're a little tired of going to alternate universe & dealing with dramas, so it might take a while.

Sattelizer: It's alright. I know that the BBS is successful in any mission, so. . .I'm looking forward for the result.

Vanoss: I'm not completely trusting you.

Sattelizer: I know, I can see that just by looking at your face, but don't worry. I'm not like the ones who hurt Ohm in the past.

Vanoss: *Eye twitches a bit*

Sattelizer: We're on the same side, Vanoss.

Vanoss: . . .Fine. We'll work on the mission after a while. Maybe. . .next week or so.

Sattelizer: I wouldn't mind, and let me see your base, need to see all the damages to get it repaired. Don't worry about getting your crew's information leaked.

Vanoss: . . .Why?

Sattelizer: I have an alliance with the Quad, it makes it automatic to have alliance with the BBS, I'm not the type to betray people. Also. . .*Summons his chains* people here know what happens if they disobey my order.

Vanoss: . . .Alright.

Sattelizer: *Puts his chains away* So, are you gonna rap like this Fourth wall voices are saying?

Vanoss: . . .When I get back, I guess.

Sattelizer: Well then, let's go.

Vanoss: . . .(This was faster than I thought.)

Question from TheDeliriousFamily ,

"Frost The Winter Fairy: *sends a note to Jason* Hi Jason! You might not remember me from your childhood but I'm your and Delirious' school friend before I had to move away! I see where your brother's base is and was wondering if I could visit someday? I should've asked Vanoss. But he'll get mad at me, probably."

Delirium: Childhood. . .friend. . .I-I see. I can't wait to see you! *Giggles*

Lui: . . .Methane, they're not your childhood friend, it's an alternate universe shit.

Delirium: W-What?

Lui: . . .Vanoss won't allow it, and we can't open portals, we don't want to anyway.

Delirium: . . .But they're me & Jon's friend.


Delirium: L-Lui?

Lui: . . .*Glares at the asker* Fuck you! First was Wildcat, now Methane!? But guess what, you chose a wrong guy! I WON'T LET YOU MANIPULATE HIM!

Delirium: L-Lui. . .

Lui: *Looks away* You don't need any other friends anyway. . .*blushes a bit* You. . .you have me.

Delirium: . . .*Smiles* Lui. . .*Hugs Lui* I LOVE YOU!


Delirium: I'm sorry! I wasn't trying to replace you! I will never do that! You'll always be my best friend, no matter what!

Lui: . . .Y-You're so. . .dumb.

Delirium: Lui. . .I love you. . .*Hugs tighter*

Lui: . . .I know. You always say that.

Delirium: *Smiles* Lui, you're my BFF forever!

Lui: You're saying 'forever' twice.

Delirium: Really?

Lui: BFF stands for 'Best Friends Forever', and if you put BFF & forever, it's gonna be "Best Friends Forever forever".

Delirium: Oh. . .*Giggles* Sorry.

Lui: *Giggles a bit* You're so stupid

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