Caitlin At KFC

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(Cait's POV)
Stretching and standing, I glance around my room. It's a white room, with a grey bedspread.
I look back and see Adanya still asleep. I gently shake them awake.
"Ada? Time to wake up~"
Adanya groaned and pulled the covers over their head.
"Cait.... five more minutes..."
I laugh softly and get changed. A brightly coloured sundress and white converse seems like the best choice. Besides, it's warm out. I quickly get dress and bolt downstairs. I see an anime on the television as I rush towards or kitchen to make breakfast.
I see Darr sitting there. He's still wearing his nightclothes. I rustle his hair, walk back over to the kitchen and prepare breakfast. I break an egg or two, yet I still make pancakes in record time. I grab one and scramble to find my keys.
I can feel Darr's eyes on the back of my head, and I only hear the ambience of the city otherwise. Nothing much.

"Ada! Where are my keys!" I yell as I try to find them, constantly looking everywhere I can to find them. I hear a little groan come from upstairs.
"They're in the cupboard!"
"Thanks! Love you!"
Ad grunts and they remain silent. I smile a bit to myself as I find them, unlock the door, lock it again, and run to the station.
I arrive at the shittiest job in the city.
I rush in, nod towards a guy I refer to as "Trash", and hurry to get my uniform on.
"What's up Caitlin?" He said, using my full name. Which I hate. I gave him the evil eye and go to cashier at the front.
A customer walks in, she has light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, and is wearing a pink cropped sweater and light green jeans.
I narrow my eyes at her, she seems familiar.
"Can I have a donut?"
"This is KFC."
Damn she's stupid.
"Ok then. Rude. Can I have a pizza?"
"Again. KFC"
"Ok fine, how about a chicken sandwich?"
I nod and punch in the order.
"That would be $10" I say. "Debit, Credit, or Cash?"
She digs through her pockets, and pulls out a wad of brightly coloured money. I stare as she puts it on the counter.
"Keep the change, my fellow citizen."
I stare in disbelief.
"This is Monopoly money!"
"Uhm no, it's my own."
I stare her in the eyes.
"Can you give me $10?"
"I GAVE YOU 250!"
I sigh as Trash hands me the chicken sandwich.
"You know what?"
I throw it in her face, and scream,
"1/10. Bad performance."

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