Chapter Six

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Chiron was no help. He fell asleep on the porch of the big house. We tried to wakee him but it didn't work.

"I think I know where she is," Annabeth said. We folllowed her to the cave she took me to my first day when I found out Jason was part of the mist. So many memories came back to me I leaned against the wall to stay up.

"Piper!" Annabeth yelled. She rushed over to me but I pushed her away.

"No," I said, "Go on without me." I don't think anyone wanted to but my charmspeak was so strong they had to.

"I'm staying," Annabeth said. I'm glad she did.

"Fine," Hazel said, "Leo and I will go." She went first and Leo pumped his fists.

"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked.

"This cave-" Everything went dark. I'm pretty sure I hit the floor because I felt a thump.

I woke up in cabin ten with Annabeth looking down on me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You gave us the prophecy," Annabeth said.

I sat up and rubbed my head, "I did?"

"Yeah. The prophecy is: Five will go on a quest. They shall reach the west. The enemy's camp is guarded. And only brave are lion-hearted."

Gods, Annabeth remembers everything. Of course she does, she's the daughter of Athena.

"Where's Hazel and Leo?" I asked.

"They're waiting for us at the Big House."

We walked to the Big House. It took forever though because I had to stop every once in a while. I felt like I was going to pass out I was so dizzy. I think I actually did pass out when we were in sight of the Big House, but only for like five seconds.

"Piper," Annabeth said, tightening her grip, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I lied.

Hazel and Leo came to meet us and helped us- well, mainly me- to the Big House. They sat me in a chair and brought out folding chairs. They set up around me.

"Piper, are you sure you want to go on this quest?" Annabeth asked, "You don't look good."

I nodded and blacked out.

I had a dream of Jason in a long purple cloak and a toga. He was pacing in front of a big screen like you would see in security offices. The screen was split in half. One half had me and the other had Reyna. The screen with me had me in the rocking chair with Leo, Annabeth, and Hazel looking at me and each other. Annabeth was saying somethig, but I couldn't hear it. The Reyna screen had a picture of her on her senate throne with Octavian and Frank around her.

She didn't look to good, but neither did I. All of the color in her face was drained and she was sweating like crazy.

I hid behind some cardboard boxes as a figure moved into the clearing.

"Master, the girls are knocked out, and I don't think they will wake up for a few hours," The monsterous voice said. When I heard that, I wanted to pinch myself so I would wake up, but I had to know more.

"Fool!" Jason said, his voice tinted with a British accent, "They're supposed to be knocked out for a few days!" He zapped teh screen with lightning and we both sifted a little.

I heard boxes move and looked to my left. A girl was flat against the wall. Then  I realized something.

The girl was Reyna.

Why Did He Have to Go? ~A Piper and Jason Fan-FictionWhere stories live. Discover now