School part one (the cellphone addict)

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Those of you who are very observant may have noticed that i have specifically named this chapter schoool PART 1. The reason for this is because school is such a prominent part of our teenage years, and there are enough different aspects of school to fill a whole book, and there is no way I can fit it all into one chapter. So without further ado, and without much more ramblings, i present to you, School Part One.

The first and I believe, one of the most important parts of school is your classmates. The types of kids you meet at school. This is such a broad category that I'm going to split it over multiple chapters. One type of girl or guy you meet at school per chapter. Also I know I will probably miss out a few so comment if i missed any out and i'm sure they will be added in time to come :)

Also Disclaimer:

This in no way generalises everyone at school, lots of the people I met there were wonderful funny people, however no one wants to hear about them! So listen to me go off on a rant about the people who quite frankly, I wished didnt exist :D

Types of Girls in School (part 1)

1) The Cellphone addict

These types of girls didnt exist untill the invention of the smart phone, and what a pleasant time that would have been. These girls have every type of social media you could think of and use each one to the extreme. I advise not following them on anything unless you want to be notified every 10 seconds because, 'Team single rules!' Posts like these are are typical of a cell phone addict, along with constant updates about her new fitness regime, her lying bestfriends and basically every little thing that is remotely interesting that happens in her day. Chances are she posts selfies every hour, which she deletes the next day to make room for her new selies, and her instagram feed consists of selfies, selfies with friends, food porn, and artistic shots of her homework amongst others. When a cellphone addict meets their friends it usually goes like this:

Cellphone addict: Hey omg, i havent seen you in forever!

Friend: Omg hey!

CA (cellphone addict): So, what do you want to do today?

Fr (friend): Im not sure, do you want to grab a coffee?

CA: Yes, omg! 

(takes out phone)

CA: smile!

(Takes Selfie)

CA: Omg that is too cute, Instagram here we come! Hashtag No filter Hashtag no new friends

Fr: Ok, do you want to go to starbucks

CA: Yeah sure

(At starbucks)

CA: Omg, do you mind if I take a picture of my frappuccino?

Fr: Umm, yeah

(Takes picture)

CA: Snapchat, starbucks with my girl, octapus emoji!

And so it continues, basically, the cellphone addicts life revolves around social networking, and usually  they dont have any genuine friends beyond their snapchat story, its all faked for the camera.

Thank you guys for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know if you did by voting. Comment if you know anyone who is a Cellphone addict, or if You can think of any other types of girls or guys at school, or what I should write about in my next chapter (It can be anything teen or school related!) Love you guys from the bottom of my heart. Bye xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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