Chapter One

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I let out a large yawn, not even bothering to cover my mouth. Fourth period. Pre-Calc. Easily my favorite class. I stayed in the back of the room. The only downside of it was I was next to the loudest and most obnoxious kids in the class. No, the whole school.

There's Marcel. He is overall my favorite,- if such a word could be used with that group. He seemed to get angered easily, but overall wasn't interested in being a nuisance.

Next, there is Jonathon. He's honestly kind of creepy and has a loud laugh. Seemed to be the one with the most chill- again, if that word could be associated with them.

Then there's Tyler. How does one describe Tyler? The first words that come to mind are 'Assertive' and 'Audacious'. Oh, and 'Asshole'.

Finally, Evan. He could be described as the leader of their little group. And the one I liked the least. He's calm and quiet. Too much, though. Seems to always be, thinking. To the point of being eerie. Though, I'm sure people could say that about me.

Just my luck, Mr. Leader plopped his stuff right beside me and hasn't moved seats since. The rest of his little 'crew' were in gym this hour, according to their schedules.

That stuff is supposed to be only available to the administration of the school, but their security was so low, I accessed it without trouble and they haven't noticed. I've even tampered with some things here and there, like the grades or lunch menu.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jerked my head up to see Evan staring at me. I pushed up my glasses and made my face unfriendly, but kept my voice at a whisper.

"What do you want?"

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Jeez. What's got you all bunched up?" He didn't even bother to whisper.

I shook my head. "You didn't answer my question." I turned back to him. "And lower your damn voice. I don't want to get in trouble."

He chuckled. I think that's the first time I've heard him do that. Maybe even the first time I've seen him smile, although it was more of a smirk. "I just want the answer to number four."

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my paper. "Figure it out yourself. You're a smart boy. Actually..."

He groaned. "Come on. Nobody will know. Just one answer."

"Evan and Quinn." I jumped hearing my name. "What's so important you felt the need to interrupt my class?"

I started stuttering, attempting to get out a full sentence. Before I could, Evan's voice rang out clearly. "Oh, Quinn here was about to give me the answers."

I glared at him. "Uh. Incorrect. You were attempted to cheat off of me, you degenerate."

"Degenerate? What the fuck are you, twelve?" He stared at me puzzled.

"Well, at least I'm not an asshole who attempts to throw people under the bus just so they can get out of trouble."

"Enough!" My teacher yelled. "Both of you, detentions. Stay in here after class." She turned back to the board.

I scoffed. "Dumbass." I kept my voice low for that one.

Evan rested his chin on his hand. "Bitch." He retorted.



Me. I care.


I couldn't log into this account a while ago so, rip! But!! I'm back!!

Nobody missed me. ;)

Okey dokey, gotta blast.

~ J

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