Hangover isn't over

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Bella's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and an unfamiliar place welcomed me. Where in the hell I am?
And why the hell I am so thirsty and my throat feels like desert and my head feels like exploding! Argh! This headache is terrible.

The first thing I did is slowly gather myself to sat on the edge of the bed and let my eyes wonder around the room. This room is a mess, the bed next to me is a mess, the floor is a mess with tons of high heels, sandals, boots and clothes. Who the hell owns this fvcking room?

I stood up to find the bathroom and went inside immediately when I luckily found it. I opened the faucet and let the water flow eternally. I washed my face and stare at myself in the mirror, I got wasted, and what the hell! I smell awful. I'm a terrible mess too. 

What happened last night? All I remember is Beca and Chloe dared me to drink and I agreed but I don't freaking remember what dare it is. Ugh! I'm hungry and thirsty and I still feel dizzy. I feel like i'm gonna throw up.

YEP! I'm gonna throw up!

I swiftly run to the toilet bowl while I unintentionally slam my self side to side of the bathroom cause I got dizzy and throw up right away then immediately flush my shits cause it's gross. Ouch! That body slam hurts!

Fixing my hair, I put it into a messy bun and went out of the bathroom. I opened the room door and observed around to find stairs that may lead me somewhere and light up my freaking confused mind. So I silently closed the door behind me and heard a lot of girls chatting and giggling coming from downstairs.

I followed the sounds and it led me to a staircase so I made my way down slightly stumbling and falling on the stairs, I still feel dizzy and Tipsy.

"Ooof!" Ouch! I kinda screamed that.

"Hey there!" Someone who's tall and Brunette greeted me, I don't remember her name but i'm sure i'd seen her last night at the party. She caught the other girls' attention but mostly the Ginger's and the smaller Brunette's.

"What the fvck Dude!?" Beca yelled as everyone watched her and Chloe rush over and helped me stand up. As soon as I gather myself up, I looked at them and I can see the concern on their faces. But it's the kind of concern that's sweet and a bit sarcastic which is really funny.

"Are you okay?" The ginger asked. Dude if she just know!

"I need water" I suddenly just feel like I fvcking need water so the ginger and brunette helped me walk to the kitchen and let me get drunk but with water this time.

"Where am I?" I asked as soon as I finished drinking

"You're in the Bella House" After Beca said where I am, One by one, I slowly noticed the Big letter B's on the white walls, Trophies, Banners, Picture frames, and slowly remembered the other girl's names.

The tall brunette that greeted me was Stacie and sitting along next to her on a large couch was Cynthia Rose, Beca and Chloe before they came to help me. Jessica and Ashley are sitting next to each other on a Medium sized couch. I still don't know which is Jessica or Ashley.

"Why am I here?" I asked as I flickered away a piece of my dark brown hair away of my sight

"Uhm... We attended the a cappella party last night and you got ouf of control" Ginger explained. wtf! I messed myself last night that's why I feel horrible right now. "You're super drunk so we decided to bring you back to your dorm but suddenly, we don't know where it is." She continued

"It's Stacie's idea to bring you here" Beca continued "YEP. IT'S MINE!" Stacie shouted from the livingroom as the girls next to me laughed

"By the way, how are you feeling?" Chloe asked as she took a sip of her tea.

"Terrible. My head is fvcking hurt." I groaned as I slowly ran my hand through my hair and tried to massage my aching head.

"Woah, watch your mouth kiddo" Beca said as she sat to a stool next to me

"We know that will happen" Said Chloe as she grab painkillers and made me drink a lot of water again.

"Thanks, I'll go now" I said and they gave me a questioning look but still, I started to walk. Why? Isn't it normal to go home?

"Wait!" They yelled and followed as I walk back to the living room and faced them "You're going to live here with us, it's part of being a Bella" Chloe said excitedly. Is that serious? I would love to live here but in all honesty, not with these weirdos, I still prefer to be alone. But who cares, at least i'll get to live in a real house. I mean, there's a kitchen, a living room, and most of all, bedrooms. And I don't need to walk far before i'll reach the bathroom.

"This is Hilarious" I laughed then they ran a quick look at each other and rolled their eyes as the other Bellas got silent like telling me they aren't joking. "Are you serious?" I mentally slapped myself for laughing and said that in all seriousness.

The main door flung open and Flo came in with her stuffs, a lot of stuffs.

"Hey Flo!" Beca smirked

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