Naked Time!

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It's been two weeks since the last full moon. Tom is doing better after the weekend of cuddling, and suffice to say, the triple terrors broke everyone. Again. 

It took two days to explain things to everyone. We're going back on the next full moon which is on a Tuesday. We're going to have to come up with an excuse to get out of here. We can't find anything.

The triplets have been sneaking around as of late, and whispering between each other. We don't know what their planning but it's going to be great, going by their feral grins that they always seem to be sporting. I hope it's about Dick-a-dore, that man is really starting to bug me.

In order to get as muck knowledge as possible me and my siblings have taken different optional classes. I'm taking Ancient Runes, Tsubame has Arithmatics, Tori is taking Divination and Asuka is taking Muggle Studdies. We all chose Care if Magical Creatures as an elective.

At the moment I'm walking to lunch from Runes when someone grabs my arm and drags me into a side corridor.

"Join the order or a certain blonde is going to meet with an unfortunate accident. You have until tonight to give me your answere."

I watch as the old goat leaves the hall and then turn of the mental speak. All four of us know what was said. Now all their is to go is follow him to the hall. The other three will do the rest.


Draco's P.O.V.

Everyone and I are waiting for Kobaru to her here from his elective and the triplets from their class. We know that class is over as the other three Kaen quadruplets eyes have stopped glowing. I'm picking up a sandwich when all of a sudden their eyes are glowing again. quicker than I thought possible the Kaen's present stand up and make a semi circle around me, looking at the door. I'm quite confused until I see Dumbles walk in to the hall. That's when the shit hits the fan. As the Muggles say. Hermione taught me.

"Dumbles, what the fuck do you think you are doing!"

"Now you watch your language, Tori, my boy."

"Yo have no right to call me by that. First you threaten two of my brother and then you come in here and insult me."

"I have no idea-"

"We have a mind link. It was on when you threatend to hurt Draco if Kobaru doesn't join your Order."

"I'm afraid that you are mistaken I---"

"Yes you did. You dragged me into a side corridor after Runes." Kobaru said as he walked in behind Dumbles "if you do that agin... If you threaten my family again, I can turn into my creature and attack you. It's states in the law book. If someone threatens a Submissive family member, then the Dominant family member or members can attack the guilty party, without consequences. You have been warned. I don't care what people do or say to me, but don't fuck with my family."

As he's saying this, he comes and stands in front of me. "Wait, Submissive? I haven't come into me Inheritance yet. How do you know that I'm a Submissive? I could be Doninant."

"I'm a Nightshade. One of my traits is being able to tell the class of Creature, even if they haven't come into their Inheritance yet."

"Gringots has gotten back to you on the traits of your Creatures?" Asuka beams, jumping up and down, clapping his hands.

"Last night."

"You will have to go through this with Mother and Father. I'll send them a letter and get them to come in." I say going to stand up, only to get pushed back down by three sets of hands.

"You are not going anywhere on you own." The four of them say in union.

"I would prefer to go their and tell them. That way we don't have a pesky headmaster to worry about." Kobaru continues by himself. Just as Dumbles is about to say something the triplets walk in and come to the Hufflepuff table and sit down, one on ether side of me and the other on the other side of me facing Dumbles. Once sat, the connect their hand together to create a crude triangle shape around me, then say as one-

"We were in a hall, discussing our... Classes, when guess what we see and hear. Dumbles was threatening to hurt Draco if Slytherin Kaen doesn't join the Order. Whatever that it. Anyway, when we heared that we sent a letter to Ministry, telling them what happened. They should be here soon."

Befor anyone can reply to what they said another Dumbledore walks into the hall. "IT'S NAKED TIME!" He screams and the proceeds to spell of all his clothes and dance around the hall singing.

"I'm bringin' sexy back 

"Them other boys don't know how to act 

"I think it's special, what's behind your back 

"So turn around and I'll pick up the slack 

"Dirty babe

"You see these shackles, baby

"I'm your slave

"I'll let you whip me if I misbehave

"It's just that no one makes me feel this way

"Come here, girl 

"Come to the back 


"Drinks on me 

"You see what you're twerking with 

"Look at those hips 

"You make me smile 

"Go 'head, child 

"And get your sexy on"

Everyone is stunned silent, even the teachers don't know what to do. I look away before I throw up and notice that the triplets have matching grins and are eating popcorn. "One where does that come from and two how can you stand to eat it watching that?" All three of them look at each other and then turn to me.

"Magic" they say as one.

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