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Severus POV

"Cissa, I need your help!" I yell as soon as my feet hit the floor of the foyer. I look down at the too pale skin and long platinum hair. His features are aristocratic and sharp, he looks like Draco, only with long hair as opposed to Dracos short hair. 'This isn't Potter!' With that thought in mind I sprint of towards the medi wing with Narcissa in toe. She hasn't seen the kids face yet and I'm dreading when she does. I need her to focus on healing the lad. Once we get there I lay him down on the closes bed, whip my cloak off from around his body and quickly cover his face with it.

"Severus why did you do that?" 

"I'll tell you later! This boy needs treatment, and urgently. We found him beaten, raped and in a room filled with gas. It was horrible!" I look at the scared, blood coveres, bony body, way too bony to be natural. "Bloody hell, he is nothing but skin and bones. When was the last time he ate?!" I half yell, half cry. This is too much even for me to keep wearing a mask. What the hell did those monsters do to him?

"Severus get the potions ready, I'll start on a diagnostics test. That way we know what we are treating." Cissa mumbles the diagnostics spell and a piece of parchment and a quill appears. It takes five minuets to finish writing and once it does I snatch it up and begin to read...

* Rape, welts on back, punctured kidney, damaged spine, four broken ribs, two cracked ribs, shattered right leg, left hand shattered, two broken fingers on right hand, dislocated right shoulder, cracked skull, severe malnorisment, severe dehydration, broken nose, cracked jaw, cuts up and down entire body, collaped lung and severe burning of the mouth, nose and wind pipe*

We look at each other , not even bothering to mask our horror at what this poor boy had to go through. "Narcissa, what are his chances?"

"He doesn't have any if we just continue to stand here. Get a healing potion down him. NOW!" We work in silence for the next few minuets until Lucious , Draco and our lord come storming through the door.

"GET OUT NOW BEFORE I HEX YOU TO OBLIVION!" Me and Cissa yell at the same time. The trio waist no time in bolting from the room.


Six hours later and he finaly begins to stabilise. We had to use nealy all of the potions that the Malfoys have, but he's stable. I'm walking up to a spare room, cradling his body in my arms. He weighs next to nothing. We place him into a pair of Dracos pjarmas before we left the medi wing, but I'm still being careful to keep his face covered.

"Why is his face covered?" Lucius asks, walking up behind me as I enter a room and place him on the bed.

"Go and get Cissa and Draco. You all want to be here for this." I say not taking my eyes of the child in front of me. Lucius exits the room. As I am looking at the child on the bed, I hear a tapping from the window. I shoot around, whipping my wand out and aiming at the window. I sigh in relief when I see the dark brown tawny owl. I stride over and open the window. The bird flys in and lands on the bed next to the child. I quickly walk back to the bed and grab the letter that the owl is holding out for the kid. After jently removing it and giving the owl a treat it flies off. I stare at the Gringots insignia debating for a moment before ripping the letter open.

*Dear Mr. Malfoy,

It has come to our attention that you have just gone through your creature inheratance. We would like for you to come to the bank at your earliest conviniece so that we can discuss the matter more. Also we would like to inform you of some unlawful transactions with your account and would like to go through them with you aswell. Unfortuantly we are unable to do something to rectify the matter without first discussing it with you.

This letter will act as a port key and will bring you to my office on activated. Just put your wand on the letter and say 'gallion.' 

Please find enclosed a copy of your birth certificate.

Sincerely Griphook.*

I am stunned. Did it say Malfoy? No way! This is Potter! It couldn't be Alex, could it? I grab at the birth certificate and begin to read.

*Name- Alexander Narcissa Malfoy

Paternal- Lucius Abraxas Malfoy

Maternal- Narcissa Druella Malfoy Nee Black

Siblings- Draconis Lucius Malfoy (twin- older)

Uncles- Sirius Orion Black and Regulus Arcturus Black

Aunts- Bellatrix Druella Lestrange nee Black and Andromedia Callipso Tonks nee Black

Cousin- Nymphadora Andromedia Tonks

D.O.B- June 5th 1980

Godmother- Bellatrix Lestrange

Godfather- Severus Snape

Fake birth certificate

Name- Harry James Potter

Paternal- James Charles Potter

Maternal- Lillian Rose Potter Nee Evans

D.O.B- July 31st 1980

Godmother- Alice Longbottom

Godfather- Sirius Black

Godbrother- Neville Longbottom

Oh my god. I stand there staring at the piece of parchment in my hand. I'm so absorbed that I don't notice when the trio of Malfoys walk into the room.

"Severus?" Lucius says.

"Uncle Sev?" Draco this time.

"Oh for Merlins sake, can you just tell us what is going on?"

 Narcissas near yell brings me out of my stupor. "It's Alex " I say handing them the birth certificate and whipping my cloak off of the kids face to reveal a long haired, far too skinny carbon copy of Draco lying in the bed.

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