What if she was young as fuck? I could get in a shit ton of trouble if she's not legal. Or what if she is legal but she's old? Or what if she's not even a she?

My phone vibrating in my hand snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked at my screen and saw a text from her.

Buttercup: Hey, I watched the livestream of your set last night. You did amazing

Abel: Thanks. You busy?

Buttercup: No why?

Abel: I'ma facetime you

I tapped on her name to call her and a few seconds later it said it was connecting then instead of her face popping up on the screen, it was just the sky.

"Damn, you're still not gonna show me your face?"

"Why should I show you?"

"So it'll be easier for me to dream about you."

"Ooh...you dream about me?"

"I would but I don't know what you look like." I shrugged. "Anyway...I know this might sound weird but I told Lamar how I've been talking to you and he thinks your catfishing me or that you might be like twelve or something."

"I promise I'm twenty." She laughed. "You wanna see my ID?"

"Actually yeah, if you don't mind."

"Okay, hold on."

She had the camera pointed toward the ground so I could see her feet as she walked into her house.

"You got some pretty feet."

She laughed. "Do you have a foot fetish Mr.Tesfaye?"

"If I say yes are you gonna stop showing me your feet and show me your face?"


"Damn, I tried."

She laughed and I could hear her moving stuff around for a few seconds.

"See?" She put her ID in front of the camera with her thumb covering her picture but I could clearly see her name and birthday. "I'm really twenty, soon to be twenty-one."

"So your name's Myliah?"

"Damn it, I shoulda covered that up too."

"Why? I like it."

"Thanks. It's Hawaiian and it means a gentle caress from above."

"Like an angel?"

She laughed. "I guess you could say that."

"So, are you doing anything for your birthday next weekend?"

"No, I have to work."

"Really? You're gonna work on your birthday?"

"Yeah, it sucks but I have to."

"Well damn, I was gonna ask if you wanted to come to Coachella next-"

"Shut up! Are you really inviting me to Coachella right now?!"

"I was but since you gotta work, I guess-"

"No, no, no! I'll take off!"

I laughed. "Okay, give me your address and I'll ship you a pass."

"I don't wanna sound ungrateful but could I get another pass for my friend?"

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you so much! This is crazy, I can't believe you're gonna give me passes to Coachella! Or that you're even still talking to me."

"Why would I stop talking to you?"

" 'Cause I'm weird and I'm not like other girls...I haven't sent you nudes or anything and we've been talking for like what, two or three weeks and you just found out my name today."

"That's why I like talking to you though, you're not like other girls that slide in my DMs. You're shrouded in mystery and not just trying to seduce me or some shit. You just talk to me like I'm a regular person, it's been forever since I've just had regular conversations. Everyone always talks to me about business and music and marketing so it feels good just talking about movies and shit with you."

"Well to me you are a regular person that just happens to make really good music."

I heard Cash yelling for me. "Abel!"

I sighed. "I gotta go."

"Alright, talk to you later."

I hung up then tucked my phone back into my pocket as I walked inside the house.


"What's this I heard about you being involved with a fan?"

"We're not "involved" we just been talking like on some friendly shit."

"That's what you say now, but in two weeks you'll be in love with the girl."

"No, I'm not ready to be in another relationship. Her and I are just cool so drop it, okay?"

He sighed. "Okay, okay."

I wasn't falling for Myliah, she was just a friend and somebody I could talk to. I had no intentions on catching feelings for her because I knew if I did, we'd both end up getting hurt in the end.

Fix you (The Weeknd + Tabria Majors)Where stories live. Discover now