Turn 14: Messiah vs Gyze

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"How is this possible?" Megiddo ask. "Why are you here in Noa's body?"

"He." Stark giggle. "When Chaos Breaker die in order to make Relics, it gave me an opportunity to diffride. Now I'll be the one to play in his body."

"So what now?" Drachma ask. "We lost Dust."

"You leave that to me. Come on now, we have to go to the new Relics that Gyze made." Stark made a portal on top of them as it went down making them disappear.


*With Ibuki*

Ibuki look around at the destroy base. Knowing that Shion is gone, all of the all of the information was gone too.

"This is Ibuki." he said on his phone. "I found no evidence of where Shion is. Not only that, all of the data were destroy. As for Now, he's gone." he's phone then made static sound. "Huh?" Gyze's emblem appear under him. "What?! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!?" he disappear.


*At the Angle Father clan's hospital*

Chrono sat down in the lobby where Makoto is at. He look at the Chrono Dran G

"Dran." he said. "I'm so sorry. I want to see you again. I'm such a jerk."

"What's wrong?" Chrono turn and saw Gavrail as she sat right next to him.

"Nothing." he look back at the card. "it's just.......... I want to say sorry to Dran and see him again."

"I see." she look at the card. "He call me GavGav a lot."


"I guess you can say it's a nickname." she giggle. "He was so cute when I first met him."

"Really. Because the first time I met him when I was a little boy. Gear Chronicle Singularity? Why do they keep saying that?"

"Maybe because your the only one who use Gear Chronicle."

"Maybe." tears came out of Chrono's eyes. "Why does have to happen?"


[Play 'Innocence' from Sword Arts Online by Aoi Eir]

[Kakushiteta kanjou ga himei wo ageru. Ta-shi ka-na-chi kaiiiiiiiiii wo te niiiiiiiiiii.] It's starts with the gang looking up in the sky in Cray. Chrono stop for a bit with them and look up in the sky too. The camera then was turn up in the sky before showing the title.

[Kiiiiiiii sekidake woooooooooo, motooome~. Ki-e-nai yamiiii woooo sa-maa-yo-uuuuuuu.] The scene shows Chrono sitting down near the camp fire as the gang sleep. He then look up and saw an allusion of Chrono Dran up in the starry night sky.

[Kooooo, kooo-ni i-re-bbbaaaa, nidoto~. Mi-ra-i miruuu kotoo deeeee-kiii-naaiiiiii.] Luna sat next to a tree looking at the Masquerade Master, Harri card in her hand. She then look up in the sky and saw an allusion of Am and Tokoha.

[Koyoi mo tsuki ga sa-sot-te~. Mada kotoba dasenai ke-do~. Kokoro no naka sakebitsuzuketaaaaaaaaaaaaa!] The next scene shows Tsuneto picking up a flower as he is back to back with Susanoo in the woods of Cray. The next scene shows Satoru staring up near a pond as he was back to back with Scharhort with serious faces. The next scene shows all of the remaining Zeroth Dragons in their host's body.

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