Chapter 8: Trouble in Paradise

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Chapter 8: Trouble in Paradise

"Stop it Josh!" I scream, running over to Alex's body on the floor.

"Oh please." Josh snickers and is just about to strike again when I block him, he hits my left cheek instead. I grasp it, pain coursing through me.

"I...I didn't mean to hurt you Lev." With that he rushes out of the cafeteria yanking me with him. Just then, the principal comes in like he usually does after lunch.

"What in the world happened here? I need an ambulance!" He yells loud enough for us to hear from outside of the cafeteria.

Josh pulls me to a side in front of our next class and pins me against a wall.

"Let go of me!" I say.

"Shhh. Just wanted to tell you, you look very pretty today." he says while covering my mouth.

After saying that he drops me to the ground and doesn't bother to pick me up. He enters the class. I dont even bother to go in. Instead I fumble over to the bathroom. Why me?

My face. Now covered with blood and a horrifying cut extending from the bottom of my left cheek to my nose. It'll need stitches for sure. And probably leave a scar too. I grab paper towels, wet them, and dab my face. What am I going to say to everybody? Should I tell the truth? No, I dont want to risk that. I got scratched by a cat? No. There are no pets here. I ran into a wall? Maybe. I mean its happened before. Then I get the perfect idea. I was cutting up tomatoes in Home Ec., which I actually was today, when I got distracted and cut my cheek. Yeah. That'll work.

I throw away the red-stained towels and enter the classroom. Every single head turns to face me.

"10 minutes late! I hope you have an excuse."

Just lie Levin!

"I was cutting up tomatoes in Home Ec.. Then I got distracted and cut my cheek. I was trying to treat it in the restroom. But its no use, I think I may need to go to the clinic." I say in my most believable voice.

"Oh honey. Why didn't you just go before. Go, go please. You can make up your work tomorrow." she says concern filling her face.

"Okay. Thank you" I say and walk out the door.

I arrive at the clinic just as Alex's body, which is on a stretcher, is being pushed out the door. I turn and out the window I see the ambulance parked outside.

"What happened to him?" I ask.

The nurse motions for me to sit down next to her.

"He was found in the cafeteria. He wasn't moving, was beaten, and lost a lot of blood. So they took him to the hospital. But lets just focus on your wound right now. What happened?"

I tell her my story, he bandages my cut and tells me that I must go to an urgent care after school. She hands me a pass that will allow me to leave the campus.

"Thanks." I say and the nurse tells me I could stay here and get some rest because I looked really tired/lost too much blood.

I dont know when it happens but I fall asleep. I dream of Alex and I watching a movie together. Everything is going great until a dragon with the name 'Josh' appears and burns everything down. Then he turns into the real Josh and takes Alex's seat. He is about to kiss me when I wake up.


"How you doin'?" The nurse asks.

"Light-headed." I respond.

"I imagined that. Well you slept through the rest of the school day. So I think its best that you go find a student with a car to take you to that Urgent Care."

"Will do." I say and trudge down to my room.


"What happened?!" Isabelle asks.

I decide to tell her the truth.

"So Alex is in the hospital. Josh got away with it and you need a ride to the Urgent Care. Tell you what, i am going to bring you to the Urgent Care AND to the hospital in my car." She replies in shock.

"You dont have to-" i try to say.

"Oh please you HAVE to go to the Urgent Care and we both know how you feel for Alex so you're going to go see him."

"I dont like him!" I object.

"You're right. You don't, you love him!" Isabelle says.

I decide to just roll my eyes, there's no way I'm winning the argument.

We enter her blue Toyota Camry and zoom off to the nearby Urgent Care. I think about Isabelle's comment. Do I really love him? Or is he just my way of getting over Josh. Wait, what am I thinking? We're just friends. The important thing right now is his health. Right?

Ruthless Game: Highschool Seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن