"No...I didn't eat anything because of him ughh...my precious lunch," said Natalie as if what she had done wasn't a big deal at all. I actually didn't get to eat anything, too but I didn't mind that. I was happy I was still alive. Therefore I didn't feel hungry anymore since stress filled my whole stomach.

Camille ran up to us and asked. "What happened?"

"What was that?" I added finally able to speak looking at Natalie as if she had been some masterpiece on an exhibition.

"You know my sister thought me this and that just to make sure nothing bad will happen to me when she's not around," Natalie answered proudly with a smile on her face. She gave me her hand to help me stand up from the floor.

"Kate are you alright?" Jisung questioned worried out of nowhere and I saw Natalie's eyes sparkling brightly as her smile was even wider.

"Yeah I'm okay," I answered brushing off the invisible dust from my clothes.

"Natalie," Jisung turned around to her and I saw her trying to look as cool as she could. Even though she looked better when she wasn't trying to be honest. Her natural imagine was the coolest one. "Thank you," he said and hug her. She was shocked at first but then hesitantly hugged him back and smiled from ear to ear. I swore that must have been the happiest moment in her life. I could see it was hard for her to keep all the emotions she had felt inside but she managed to do so.

"Yeah no problem...she's my best friend after all...almost like a family..."
Natalie answered and I smiled because I knew she meant what she said. They pulled away from each other while my grin still remainded.

"In that case...Let's go eat together after school," he offered drawing our full attention. Was he asking her out or he meant us all?

"And by together you mean?" I asked confused hoping that maybe finally he would take Natalie on the date she had been dreaming about for so long.

"Me, you and my second sister Natalie...from now she's also our family," he stated and put his hand around her shoulder.

Natalie smile dropped automatically and then again she forced one pretending that she was happy because of his offer. I just nodded my head even though I felt bad for Natalie but there was nothing I could do. I just couldn't believe he actually had said that...I think it was even worse than friendzone...I don't know how to call it...

"And what about me?" asked Camille out of nowhere almost offended by the lack of an invitation and I facepalmed myself mentally chuckling lightly under my breath. That was the worst timing however she eased the atmosphere somehow.

"You can go with us," I said and smiled at her in the end. I couldn't have just said no. Beside I didn't want to be alone with them.

"Okay, girls, I'm already late...you also are, so let's go. Maybe teachers will forgive us," Jisung announced and we just nodded our head. He was right we were already late and I didn't think that we would get away from that. So we went to our classes praying for teachers to somehow understand.

~~After school~~

We were waiting for Jisung outside. Natalie didn't say a word and it was really worrying me. I didn't know how she felt about it. Of course she was upset but I didn't know how deep that sadness was and I had no idea how to make her feel better. At least our teachers didn't ask us to stay after classes.

They like Natalie too much...it was the first time it got actually useful.

"Oh I know!" screamed Camille scaring the crap out of me and Natalie.

"What?" I asked confused because it was so random. None of us has said anything.

"How to call Natalie's situation!" we looked and her questionably. "Famillyzone!"

We looked at her in disbelief as I tried not to laugh since it wasn't a good moment. That was so lame that even funny but I could see in Natalie's eyes that she wasn't really impressed or pleased with Camille's comment. Before anyone could react my brother finally came.

"Let's go~!" he declared and took the lead while we follow quietly behind him.

We went to the nearest restaurant. It wasn't exclusive but the beef and chicken were just amazing there and that was the most important. And since Natalie loved meat she just grinned when she entered and the smell hit her nose.

We had a lot of fun. We were talking and joking around and even Natalie seemed to be happy and satisfied. Sitting next to Jisung was enough to make her more than glad. What is more he had been asking her all the time if she would have wanted more food. He was taking better care of her than me. I could even say that he liked his "new sister" more than his "old one". However I just couldn't feel upset about it. That was something that made me smile. I pictured them as a perfect couple and I sticked to that thought hoping with my whole heart for my brother to finally open his eyes.

After an hour Camille went home to help her mother with something but the rest of us stayed and talked more.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was Changbin.

"Hi Changbin!" I said and walked away to talk with him in private and also give Natalie and Jisung some time alone...Yeah she will thank me later..hahha...Probably she won't...

"Hi baby, where are you?"

I told him everything that happened that day beginning from situation with L and ending on us eating at the restaurant. I knew Jisung would probably tell him and he would be more angry that he heard it from someone else and not from me.

After I told Changbin everything he was furious but I somehow calmed him down swearing that I was safe and sound and nothing had happened to any of us.

"I'm coming to see you," the boy declared and my eyes went wide.

"You can't leave the hospital!" I yelled gently to the phone. Boys are so irresponsible...

"I can because doctors said that I could go home if I want to. They said that nothing was wrong and they were worried for nothing. Just sent me the address," he explained and  before I could replay he ended the call. I did as he told me knowing I didnt have any other choice and came back to the table. Natalie and Jisung surely had good time without me because I'd never seen they laughing so hard. However I was quite worried about Changbin. I didn't want him to ride a motor but he wouldn't have listened to me anyway.

"Hi guys I'm back," I informed them about my presence and sat down smiling brightly.

"Oh...hi..." Natalie said trying to calm down holding onto her belly. Her eyes were teary because of so much laughing and it made me regret I actually had left the table. I would like to know what made them laugh like that.

After a while they finally stopped. We continued our conversation and then my boyfriend arrived. He quickly came to me and checked if everything was alright with me as if at least a truck had run me over.

"You're sure you're not hurt. Do you feel any pain? Do-"

"Stop. I'm okay," I cut him off taking his hands into mine. I send him a small reassuring smile and the boy relaxed.

"That's good," he responded breathing out deeply. He hugged me and I hugged him back tightly losing myself in his scent. After we pulled away he kissed my forehead gently and I try not to blush. Small gestures like that still affected me so much.

"I think we should go now," I said and looked at Jisung and Natalie. It was late already and we all had to go to school the next day.

"Yeah you're right, it's getting late," Jisung said paid for the food surprising me. It was the first time he actually paid for everyone. When we had gone out somewhere before he would always asked me to pay for myself since he had never had enough monay.

I was speechless however I didn't make any comment and we just went outside.

I couldn't believe my eyes for I don't know which time that day. I heard Jisung cursing under his breath and Changbin mumbling under his breath.

"Not again..."

"Secrets" - Changbin FF (sk+ip ff) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя