Chapter 1 - "I'm the jet black sky, that's just before the rain"

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  I hate going over the whole copyright for your pleasure, this book is copyrighted. Use anything from it and my lawyer will go over it in detail in court :) Capiche? Good. Other than that, enjoy :) I will be updating once a week (considering a lot of the story has been written out it will be consistent). 

    Best comment on each chapter will get a dedication :)

   Hitting down in Holston, some city on the outskirts of California, or something like that - the heat immediately set in. Dad had explained the position of the city to me about ten times, but the whole Geography thing wasn’t going to be entering my brain anytime soon. On top of that, spending an hour during my last breakfast back home looking at a complex map of America also wasn’t much fun, especially considering it was 5AM in the morning and any time before the sun hasn't risen for the day is too early to wake up. Awake through the night, and asleep during the day was a motto I lived by, even on school nights.

   Waiting outside the airport, the warm California weather hit me like a wave, but considering that I came all the way from England I wasn’t exactly complaining. Plus, the sweating was making me feel alive – other than that I felt numb from having to come all the way here. The packed car park wasn't helping the situation.

   Okay, so I didn’t really put up much of a fight and the thought of getting away from my over protective and slightly crazy parents for a while didn’t sound like such a bad idea, and the sunshine was also another reason to come. The last was for the reason that Tamara (my best friend) had given me: a long hot few months on the beach meant many Ryan Gosling lookalikes shirtless, and I had no trouble staring at their abs.

   In hindsight, she might have been trying to get rid of me. Still, school was a bust and I wasn’t complaining about being here. The only thing that sucked slightly, was who I was staying with: my aunt. Everyone in my family is a little crazy, but aunt Veronica was definitely up there with Albert Einstein. She may look a bit dishevelled, but she had the brain of a genius.

   But still, aunt Veronica decided that her calling in life was painting pictures of the Buddha and being extremely diverse about her religious beliefs. Someone should really point out to her, that you can’t really believe in five different religions. On top of that, she painted and her house always smelt of old tarmac and out of date paints from Target. I should know – I came here once as a child and even though I barely remember the place, the smell is engraved into me.

  “Sweetie….sweetie,” I hear someone shout.

    Cringing, I try to avoid looking her way. Instead I slowly start to move in a direction that makes it seem like I’m not heading for the crazy woman with three head bands on and an array of multi-coloured jewellery. Did I forget to mention? Aunt Veronica also thought she was some kind of bohemian goddess.

   “I think she’s calling you?” A blond haired girl said, looking disgusted. I stared her down like a cat stares at a mouse before the vicious kill. She looked like a Barbie doll and that made me immediately dislike her. Call me prejudice, but I just didn’t fit into that norm. Especially with my black ripped skinny jeans and grey crop top that flowed. That blond bitch with a plastic smile always pissed me off, I much preferred my old wrestling figurines.

   “Oh really? You never know she might be calling for you,” I said, my blue eyes shaped like slits as I stared her down. The girl hurried into her car after that. True I judged aunt Veronica, but she was still my aunt and no matter how crazy she is – crazy are always the best people. Who else is there to entertain you?

   “Aunt V,” I shout, my arms open wide. So I wasn’t big on the whole hug me situation, but it was either opening my arms out to her, or her picking me up in from of all the people in the parking lot.

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