paid escape | chpt. 12

Start from the beginning


"McRae?!" Sean jolts up to his feet in pure shock. "What?! You can't do that to her!"

"Watch your tone!" Cheuk shouts back, stepping closer to his infuriated son.

"No! Choose someone else! Choose someone I don't know! You know Tate is a good friend of mine since day one!" Sean's face glew with frustration and he's never actually felt this angry before.

"It's too late to find someone else! Both our teams have already agreed to this!"

"But has Tate agreed personally? Have I agreed? No!" Sean's chest heaved has he got closer to his father with eyes churning with hatred.

"Do you really have a choice?" Cheuk gritted as he stepped closer and glared at his only son.

Sean's jaw clenched as his chest rose high, knowing he was right. He did have no choice. His father always had the upper hand.

"Can I go now?" Sean asks, looking down at the carpet to avoid further eye contact.

"Yes, get packing."

Sean releases the fists he didn't even know he had balled and walks around his father to go up to his room. Sean keeps his head low as he scurries up the stairs, just wanting to hide in his bedroom.


Sean ignores the voice as he continues on to his room.

"Sean? What's wrong?" He feels Serris place a hand on his cheek and shoulder, gently forcing him to look at her.

"Sean?" Serris scans his face for distress and finds it clearly evident.

"I'll be fine, Serris." Sean whispers, wiping her hand off and unlocking his door.

Sean shuts the door behind him and leans his back against it, taking a long strand of breath out. He stood in place just looking at his balcony across him and remembers he wasn't alone. He locks his door and walks on over to his bedside where Jeyna was fast asleep on his white sheets.

Sean observes how her hair (which was now in a messy ponytail) fans out across his pillow and how one of her hands tuck under it comfortably. He had to fight the urge to fix the stray hair infront of her face and not tuck it behind her ear.

"I'll just let her sleep." Sean said in his thoughts as he went on over to begin packing.


It was almost half an hour goes by when a ringing on Sean's phone interrupted his music in the midst of his packing. He looks over at the caller ID to see it was Serris calling him and he almost chose to ignore it but he decided he would just answer for the heck of it.

"I'm fine, Serris." Sean asks as soon as he swipes right, continuing to fold his clothes on the floor and just leaving her on speaker phone.

"It's not about that!" She whisper yelled. "Dad is coming up to your room!"

Sean quickly grabbed his phone and brought it to his ear, "What?!"

"He just left the kitchen! He's on his way up! Hide the girl!"

"Her name is Jeyna and okay!" He quickly hung up and jumped to his feet, panicking on where to hide Jeyna.

He runs to his bed and stops his hand from nearly shaking Jeyna to oblivion.

"Shit, how do you wake up a girl without pissing her off?" Sean asked himself, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Fuck it." He said under his breath and pushing all her hair back and cupping her cheek.

Paid Escape | Sean Charles LewWhere stories live. Discover now