18 0 0

Ah, a beautiful morning with the beautiful view of the lovely golden outdoors. I wasn't usually a morning person but this morning seemed especially different. I hopped out of bed more enthusiastic and agile than I should have been.

I took my leisurely time to bathe and, when I was finished, wrapped myself in a towel then proceeded down to the kitchen to eat my food. I had an entire house to myself after all. Both my parents were out on work almost all the time and I had no siblings due to the fact.

I took even longer to eat breakfast as I presumably had all the time in the world. I should have known that I was a bit too happy for my own good, but I took no heed. My oblivious nature would not allow me to. I was doing well for one morning in my life.

As I returned to my room I danced about gleefully dodging about my closet trying to pick the best outfit for today.

Having made my decision, I dropped the towel to my feet completely unawares of the open window that gave me the view of the outside curb and neighbour's house..but it also gave one the ability, at the most opportune moment, to have a peek inside my very own private domain.

It was only when I heard the loud crash and scraping of metal bins and plastic outside was I drawn into a harsh reality. I snapped my head in the direction of the sound.

Every inkling of colour drained from my body as my eyes and those belonging to the perpetrator locked on like a missile on its target. Cold dry wind blew and the seconds drew on into what felt like hours neither of us looking away.


I was frozen. What was I to do in a complex situation such as this. Could he see the color bursting back to my face, that my entire body was enveloped in red.

Hot it was hot.

My chest, my lungs, air....where was it? No my heart rate is too fast. The heat melted my seemingly frozen body and it sprung into action on its own.

Dashing over to the window I swished the blinds closed. I hadn't even seen his face maybe he hadn't seen mine, but he does know where i live. I palmed my pump taking two big swallows of the medicine that calmed the raging fire in my chest. The thought came flooding back to me and I could feel my face redden.

I retrieved my bath robe off the rack in my room and curled up in my bed and phoned Kadee.

My one and only true friend. Her voice was a bit annoyed but I could tell right away that she was worried.

"Where the heck are you? I'm at school already if you don't hurry now, you'll be late where are you alright already?"

The thought made me smile. She worried too much. Ever since we were kids and we met when I transferred schools. She beat up anyone trying to take advantage of my feeble and sickly self and I loved her despite her violent tendencies. She wasn't the type to let anyone walk all over her and those she loved.

After taking a deep breath I bellowed into my phone's speaker.


The worry that she tried hard to cloak when she first answer was unsheathed and now it flooded over the phone seeping into my ears.

"Wh-what happened are you okay J?"
"I'm fine, I'm just not coming to school today," her worry only grew.

"W..W..Why? What happened?" I had to remove the phone from my ear from fear of being deafened.

"I...I can't face this," I said quietly to her. While I could hear her on the other side of the line hyperventilating.

"I'm coming now!"
"No don't," I interrupted her. "It's okay,"
"Well then I'm coming after school," I heard the sound of the school bell in the speaker.

"That's first period, are you sure you don't want me to come?" She questioned again. I could almost see her delicate face overflow with worry.

"It's fine," I assured her. Hanging up the phone, I groaned and rolled onto my back.

I lay in the bed and the thought again of someone seeing me. Unclothed. Nude!! My face felt hot again. I hugged my pillow. I felt ashamed to even look in the face of any male right now let alone his. Hm? What did he look like? I hadn't really gotten a good look. Only thing I can remember was..... hair.

Fiery red. It made me feel nostalgic. He was the only person I'd ever seen with such positively red hair. Yet...I felt like I'd seen it already.

Again my cheeks caught fire. Ugh. I need a distraction. Looks like I need to go to school after all. I can't go an entire seven hours without telling kadee about this.

I dashed about the room. Slowly dressing myself. It seemed my pace even slightly slowed when I dragged my feet off to my car. A present I'd received in congratulations of passing my driver's test.

My pace was even below the speed limit when driving to school. Even now I curse my stupidity. How could I have left it open! Dammit!


I pulled into the school parking lot in the second period. Luckily it was a little after the bell rung so I wouldn't be too late for second period.

Shuffling to my locker. I placed and retrieved until I had the things necessary for my second class. Also very luckily for me I had almost all my classes with kadee.

This was one of them.

Knocking I entered the classroom and all eyes were on me instantly. I hated people watching me but it couldn't be helped. I muttered a silent good morning and even though I knew where it was, scanned the room for my seat. If it was taken, I'd have to move and then I wouldn't get to sit beside kadee. These seat hogs, didn't care about people's mental well-being or sense of safety.

In my survey, my eyes caught jest of something really unpleasant. Someone, really unpleasant. A head. Nothing out of the ordinary eh?

A red head.

A deep crimson head, unlike any other. One that belonged to someone I wasn't acquainted with. A new student by the looks of it. A male! With such red hair. Could it be. Was that....was that him!!

My eyes widened and I began hyperventilating. His eyes again locked on to mine. W-what was he doing here!? My seat was thankfully empty, was right in front his.

I moved to my seat but my body was stiff and not responding to my thoughts well. I felt like a woman in a corset. Was this the same guy? Of course he is, no one else has such positively red hair. Does he recognize me? What if he tries to talk to me? What's if he doesn't recognize me? What if.....what if.....-

"Pst," I froze the sound had come from behind me. I felt like I was in a horror show and instincts told me not to turn around, but it was common courtesy despite the fact that this young man may have seen it all.

"Yeah," I replied only half facing him.
"Um um..," what? What was it I thought.

"Nevermind," he said fanning it off, I had only one thing left to think. My worst fear had come true. He had recognized me. What was I going to do? I couldn't spend the rest of my high-school, life like this.

I knew I'd get a transfer, but for now, I rested my head on my desk, all too aware of the throbbing pain in my head. Beating to the solid rhythm of my heart.


Hello all you gleefully adored. This chapter was a bit of a spin on things, I was originally going to make her go to school and then he comes as the new guy, but then everyone does that soooo.

Boom she's the one late and coming in after everyone's acquainted with him. Like how the plot's going so far? I hope you do. And please as always comment. Arigato😊😊


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