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It turned out that I successfully avoided him for the entire rest of the week. It was simple enough as a surprising amount of dropped jaws, swoons and gossiping that went down whenever he was near, and was also left in his wake. I just steered clear of chaos and red hair and I was safe.

Kadee was shocked out of her wits when I told her the story of the accidental peeping Tom. Her first reaction was like any other person's would have been, but what came after was that of the friend you've known since grade school whom you love and hate so dearly. If she could have she'd have shouted it to the world. I could already imagine her words.

"You know you're gonna have to peep on him now right, right, right?"

I shook my head profusely. It was even embarrassing to think of. The worst part was when I told her that it was the new student who was the culprit.

She'd keeled over in a hysterical fit of laughter. The only thing I gained was my cheeks the color of perfectly crimson hair.


Why was that my first thought. Why not apples, or blood. Blood after all was the cause of it. I could only sigh and wait till her laughing tantrum was over to get anything more over to her.

She sat up still holding her sides, giggling from time to time as we spoke.

"Aw, I can't live like this," I moaned.
"Oh ho?" She snickered covering her mouth with her fingertips, giving me a sly look.

"So are you gonna do the same?" Her predicted words sang against my ears. My eyes widened.

"W-what do you mean?" I hoped she didn't mean what I thought she did. Peace help me if it was so.

"You know," she said poking her elbow into my ribcage.

"Pay back, do the same to him, an eye for an eye kinda deal, become the peeping Jane," she closed her eyes thinking over her statement, it seemed, and nodded her head in approval. Crossing her arms across her average chest she peeked at me out of one eye.

"I'm gonna help you peek back at him," she said in a voice all too determined.
"Wha-!?" My face burned at the thought. "N-n-n no no. That....I can't.....I couldn't, besides it would do him more good than bad to have girls chasing the sight of his naked body."

"I'm just playing you J," she laughed. "I wouldn't do that to you, your moral standing is too high anyway. You'd probably just faint from the shock seeing his-"

I covered my ears to prevent myself from hearing any more. "Noo!" I yelled. She only snickered at me.
Kadee was a rather perverted person. I had a feeling that if she was to be some magical being..... she'd be a succubus.

She certainly had the body for it. Despite her small chest, she was an exceptionally beautiful girl, whose auburn hair trickled in waves to her mid back. She was of average height with smooth shining China doll like skin that was spotless, perfect, if there was ever such a person. With black eyes that penetrated your very soul.

I was not going to call myself ugly or at the very least displeasing to the eye but, I did not come close to her. My hair unlike hers, fell to my waist in knotted clumps more than half the time. I was shorter than her by far from my perspective. I had smooth skin yes but my skin was more of a milky, creamy texture. Also unlike her, the occasional pimple did visit my face, and at the worst possible times as well.

Kadee had long since been cured of her laughing epiphany and was now more interested in 'paying him back' which in her mind meant to return the favor of peeking. I could only just strongly object. But with nothing else in mind, what were two teens home alone on a Saturday to do? There wasn't anything much to do in the world, was there?

I looked kadee in the eyes. She knit her brow in wonder looking back at me.

"What are you thinking," she questioned skeptically.

"Why not?" I answered with my own quarry.

"Why not what," she asked making me look deeper into her eyes willing her to read my mind, which she did successfully.

"No," she half gasped half squealed at me.
"You wanna go peep on the guy that peeped on you?" She said making me look away.

"I mean why not, he did it first," I said still trying to mentally convince myself of what I said.

"You're sure of this," not even trying to keep the brilliant smile away from her lips.

"Yeah," I said, my voice was high pitched and I didn't even believe myself.

"Well then," she said getting up and leaving the room, returning minutes layer with a bottle from the cellar.

"No," I said to her. Finalizing my words by shaking my head.


By nightfall we were drunker than pirates who'd just scored big, and were sneaking into my neighbours yard to peep on him.

"Hey how'd ja know ware he lives?" I asked her drunkenly in what I thought was a whisper.

"Oh ho ho no no hrr magic woman can't tell his secrets," she replied giggling.

We jumped his fence and while kadee landed on her buttocks I fell flat on my face causing a small wound to open up, though I didn't feel it due to the influence of the alcohol.

"Hmm," I moaned."Can't I sleep here," I stretched on my stomach feeling the soft earth beneath me. Not thinking of if maybe once someone might have taken a whizz here. My head shot up as a thought came to me and I looked over to kadee who was struggling to get get off her behind.

"Hey magic woman," I called and she tumbled back to the ground. Making it sound and feel like an earthquake to my drunken nerves "Whert ah, whert if he has Scooby doo guards." A low growling coming from the shadows at the side of the house confirmed my fears. He did have dogs.

My eyes widened and for a second adrenaline dominated both our bodies causing us to retreat over the wall faster and easier then we got over the first time.

We ran all the way back my house, feeling no pain any of the times we tripped over each other and became a tangled mass of human sitting in the middle of the road possibly being mistaken for roadkill.

By the time we got back the throbbing in my head, stomach and ears drowned out all else. My eyes were dimming and I could feel my gut violently heaving out its contents.

The last thing I recall was puking before I fell to the floor in a warm puddle of liquid.


We're all good folk here. We've probably all gotten drunk and frightened by a dog. No shame, no shame.

Don't judge yeah? No spice yet ik ik just hold up K.


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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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