“Niall, stop.” I said quickly. “I don’t want to talk about that, okay? Im here. Hes there. There is security all over the fucking place everywhere you go. There is no way he will get anywhere near me now. And besides, after a while, the excitement of the chase will fade. He will give up.”

He gave me a doubtful look. “I wouldn’t bet on it.”


“Because, every time I see you, I still get the excitement of the chase.”

I laughed. “You already caught me, Horan. It’s not a chase anymore.”

“It can be,” he said, slapping my ass.

I yelped, pulling away from him. He reached out, sliding his hand into the belt of my jeans and pulling me back towards him harshly. I crashed into him, falling onto the bed in a fit of laughter.

He rolled me over quickly, nuzzling my neck.

“UGH!” I shrieked. “Niall, you need to shave! You’re giving me beard burn!”

This only prompted him to rub his stubbly face all over me. I pushed at his shoulders uselessly.

“NIALL!” I screamed, unable to stop laughing. “STOP IT!”

A banging against the wall between our room and Mauis interrupted us.

“What did I tell you two!” we heard her yell.

We both laughed, before Niall jumped up and started banging his hip against the wall.

“Oh yeah!” he yelled towards Mauis room. “That’s it baby, you know how daddy likes it!”

I almost peed myself as the two of them kept banging on the wall trying to piss each other off. Finally, a knock sounded at our door. Niall continued his banging on the wall, so I slid off the bed and answered it to find Harry standing there in sleep pants and an old t-shirt, his hair in wild waves all over his head, his expression sleepy.

“As much as I am glad you’re back, Dylan, would you two please SHUT THE FUCK UP!” he shouted. “Some of us need our beauty sleep!”

Niall stopped pounding on the wall long enough to come up and pull me against him. He gave Harry a smirk. “Don’t be bitter, Haz.”

Harry just flipped Niall the finger before turning and retreating to his room. Closing the door in his wake, I turned in Nialls arms to wrap my own around his neck.

He kissed me deeply, passionately. The kind of way that caused a shiver to roll over my skin and butterflies to rise in my middle. He pulled back slightly, leaning his forehead against mine as the back of his fingers stroked my healed cheek.

“Im never letting you out of my sight again.” He said matter of factly.

I grinned. “What if I have to pee?” I teased.

He gave me an exasperated look. “Jesus Christ, woman. Im trying to be romantic and seductive, and you ruin it with pee.”

I laughed, pulling him back as he tried to pull away. “Sorry, sorry,” I said, kissing him quickly. “Continue with the seduction.”

“Maybe I don’t want to now,” he said, frowning. “You ruined the moment.”

I moved forward until my body was flush against his. Twisting my hands in his hair, I pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him urgently, deeply. He returned the pressure, his arms snaking around my waist. Just to make a point, I pressed my hips forward, grinding into him. He gave a little gasp through his teeth.

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