Chapter 5

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The day of the first show at the 02 arena in London to kick off the tour arrived before I knew it. The last few days had been a learning curve, but it had been incredible. With the exception of the occasional prank from the guys, and them telling EVERYONE about their new found photographic skills (and Niall stealing the photo of the two of us off my computer the next night with the help of Harry), I was having the time of my life and we hadn’t even left yet.

The morning before the show I decided to take a small tour of London. I had never been, so decided to take this chance to see the sights. The guys were relaxing for the morning, knowing that the next several months would be busy, hectic and draining. Everyone still seemed to be in bed when I got up early and headed out into the cool morning air.

There were a few fans outside the hotel, even at this early hour, but they didn’t pay me any mind as I scurried past them and down the street. Liam had told me a few days before that as the tour went on, the fans would probably come to know me. They seemed to have their ways of knowing everyone associated with the band, and he warned me that it may become more difficult for me to go out and tour the cities that we visited. I found this hard to believe, but decided to take advantage of my anonymity and mediocrity while I could.

I had looked up a few places the night before on my laptop that I wanted to see. Of course there were the obvious choices, Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace and the like. I decided to hop on one of the bus tours, then just wander the streets for a while. I didn’t have to be back at the hotel until almost three that afternoon, which gave me plenty of time to sight see.

I hurried along to the starting point of a bus tour that I had searched the night before, climbing aboard after paying my fare. I had my camera slung over my shoulder, and took a seat on the top deck of the big red bus. There were more people on the tour than I expected for an early Thursday morning.

I loved every minute of the tour. It was fun being a dorky tourist, snapping pictures of everything I could as we drove by. I didn’t get off the bus and walk around like some of the other tourists did. I just enjoyed the drive and the sights and the cool morning air.

The tour ended shortly after the noon hour, and after a quick bite to eat at a small pub, I started walking back towards the hotel, deciding to take random streets, using my phone as a map. I had only been walking a short time when my phone vibrated in my pocket. Retrieving it, I glanced at the message.

Niall: where are you?

I smirked, remembering that on the plane ride to London the guys had gotten ahold of my cell phone and put all their numbers, plus their moms numbers, in my phone. Why I needed their mothers phone numbers I didn’t know, but Taylor said it may come in handy if they pissed me off later on the tour.

I typed my reply.

Me: being a tourist :)

Niall: ??

Me: I wanted to tour the city, so Im doing some sight seeing.

Niall: You should have said something. I would have gone with you.

I paused at this, not sure how to respond. I felt a flutter in my stomach, but quickly pushed it aside. He was just being nice, I told myself. I could see that Niall had continued typing.

Niall: so you didn’t get lost and all

I laughed out loud.

Me: Im fine. I have my phone. I will be back soon.

Niall: K

Sliding my phone back in my pocket, I continued my slow trek back to the hotel.

I found myself thinking about the guys, Niall in particular. I had spoken to Taylor a couple days after my arrival, just to check in and let her know how things were going. She didn’t waste any time asking how I was getting along with the guys.

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