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Lately business has been going well. My IT crew has been working hard tryna find some information about this King nigga . Untill then I'm just chilling. I walked around my house in some booty shorts and a gucci tank because it wasn't nobody but me and my babies Dolce and Royals. Dolce was a teacup Pomeranian and she was soo cute and tiny while Royals was an Argentinian mastiff. She was my larger guard dog and she was all white with her ears clipped. She was also gory ass well .Her white coat is where she got her royality name from.

I opened the fridge and pulled out me some Trix cereal and grabbed me some orange juice.. I walked back into my living room and decided that I would watch a movie. As I was doing so my phone started viberating. I looked at the caller Id and noticed that it was Jeremiah. A smile formed across my face as I pressed the green icon.

"Hello" i answered

"Wassup Ma"

"Heyy, How are You?"

'I'm good, Just chillin and yourself?"

"Same, sitting in the house bored."

"Bored? You shouldn't be bored. You need to get out and do something."

"I should shouldn't I."

" Yeah you should, How about you meet me at your favorite place you like to eat at"

"What's my favorite place?" I questioned.I haven't even said anything my likes and dislikes yet.We just started talking . .

"I don't know, That's why I told you to meet me there. It's a start of getting to know you right'?" He said into the phone. I smiled crept onto my face as I thought about my favorite place in the world.

"Meet me at Brewed in an hour."

"Aight Ma, See you there"

"Okay" I said and hung up.

"Dolce and Royals, Mommy got a little date." I smiled getting up from the couch. I threw my bowl of cereal, Well milk into the sink after I rinsed it out and I made my way upstairs into my large bedroom. I walked over to my oversized walk-in closet and plundered through clothes I've always worn and clothes with tags still on them.

" Hmm, What should i wear" I said tapping my chin.I finally decided on my light blue American Eagle jeans and a Gucci tank top with Gucci written across the breast, the gucci sign on my stomach and the sides drop. I plundered through my closet and found some tan closed toe wedges and me a tan jacket to match. I grabbed my pear earrings and sat them beside my clothes on the bed and my pearl and gold bracelet. I smiled in satisfaction of my outfit and I went to go take me a hot shower.

About 30 minutes later , I was out drying off, applying lotion and doing my hygiene stuff. When I got finished I slipped on my clothes and threw my hair in a messy bun with the sides out and my edges laid. I slipped on my jewlery and squirted a few squirts of my Nicki Minaj perfume and made my way out the door. I felt good, smelt good and I damn sure as hell looked good.

I locked my house up and pressed the unlock button on my Mercedes Benz SLK and slid into the seats. I pressed the break and pressed the button to start the car and pulled out of the drive way.

When I got to the small coffee shop I instally spotted Jeremiah sitting at the table on his phone. He was so sexy with his dreads braided back. The bells above the door rung as I walked through the door and Jeremiah made eye contact with me. I smiled as I watched him get up and embrace me with a hug. He smelt sooo good.

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