Peter Parker Meets Murdock

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I wrote this story in 2016 (I was around 14 when I wrote it) enjoy?? 

I've corrected some of the grammar but I've also left some unedited because it's too good to delete.


In every channel in the US, there was only one thing showing. One big case of a murderer from Hell's Kitchen. The devil of Hell's Kitchen, also called Daredevil captured this guy and now, the murderer is everywhere in the news.

Peter Parker sits on the sofa, waiting on J. Jonah Jameson to call him, screaming that he needs to be there for interviewing the famous lawyer Matt Murdock. The lawyer is against this murderer called Bart Smith.

The phone ringed, and Peter turned off the television. "Parker, have you seen the news?!?" He almost yelled at the phone. "Yeah, I'm thinking about interviewing Mr Murdock, but I'll leave the decision to you," Peter answered with his normal, calm voice. "Then go now!" JJ yelled back at Peter.

"I'm on my way," Peter said and pressed the red button at his little, cheap phone. He couldn't afford the newest cell phones, but it didn't bother him at all.

In Hell's Kitchen, there was a big case about a murderer called Bart Smith, who killed a woman in a big bank robbery. The famous, blind lawyer Matt Murdock was on the case against the murderer, but it seemed like he didn't like it. Everybody thought he was the "Hero of Hell's Kitchen", but he thought that the people should call Daredevil the hero. Matt was done with the first part of the court and was free to go out, but he just stood inside, looking out the window. "Hey, Matt!" Foggy shouted. Matt turned around to face his best friend. "Um... Hi, Foggy?" Foggy stared at Matt with tired eyes. "Been up all night?" Matt asked with a smile. "Kinda. I didn't sleep well. This case really makes me wonder..." Foggy stopped himself. "Wonder?" Matt asked. "Yeah," Foggy seemed like he wouldn't tell it. "Wonder what would happen if we stopped doing our work. If you stopped, you know, would this city get back to normal? Would we be normal?" "Normal?" Matt asked slow. "Yeah, normal. We're a big part of this city. If we actually did quit, what would happen to Hell's Kitchen? Would someone take our place?" Matt shook his head. "I can't see us doing anything else than this." "You're right. Let's go." Foggy said in a hurry.

There was a ton of people outside the door waiting for Matt to go outside. A real nightmare for the blind lawyer.

Peter stood outside, waiting. Nobody had seen Matt Murdock, and a lot of people already went home. Peter just stood there, waiting for the lawyer to come out of the door. Suddenly, the door opened, and two lawyers came out. Matt Murdock, and Franklin Nelson. Peter started taking pictures, hoping that he would get a nice picture of Mr Murdock and his friend. Matt was looking at the whole group of people, but he only wanted to talk to the kid, standing by taking pictures of him. It was like he needed the interview more than the others. Matt went through the crowd and down to the kid. The kid took his camera down to shake Matt's hands. "Peter Parker, The Daily Bugle." The boy said like it was a script in a movie. Matt smiled. "Matt Murdock, Nelson and Murdock, but I guess you already know me." Parker was almost shining with happiness.

"I know this amazing place where we can talk if you want to?" Matt said with a friendly tone. Parker was even happier now. It looked like this conversation was making his life better. "Yes, of course, Mr Murdock!" He said loudly. He smiled at Parker.

When they arrived at the bar, Matt turned around to see Parker. "How old are you?" Matt asked. the guy looked so young. Was he old enough to even have a job? "I'm 15," He answered. "Why?" Matt forced an awkward smile on his lips. "I was just thinking...Why do you work at that age?" Parker looked down. "I'm helping my aunt..." Matt rests his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Let's get something to drink. I'm buying." Parker smiled. while they sat there with their coffees, Parker's phone ringed. "Excuse me." He said and took the ringing phone. "Peter Parker here." He said. There was a woman on the other line, but the voice was hard to understand. He suddenly stopped smiling and sat down with a sad looking. Matt sat there, staring at the phone.

"May Parker is at the hospital," A nurse said to Peter on the phone. Peter wanted to scream at the lady. No! Not aunt May! "A man said that she just suddenly collapsed. We're still finding out what's going on." Peter sat down with the face looking at the table. "Okay. Can I come visit her?" The woman answered no and hung up. He wanted to scream and cry. Why aunt May? He can protect everyone but the people he loves. "Are you okay?" Mr Murdock asked.

Parker didn't answer the question. His heart rate was faster than before. "Yes." He mumbled. Not true. Matt wanted to tell Parker that he couldn't lie to him, but it would bring his identity in danger.


Nobody said a single word. Matt wanted to leave the awkward situation. Parker was so close to crying, and Matt couldn't do anything but watch. He couldn't just sit there. He needed to ask. "Who was it?" Parker stared at Matt. "Who was who?" "I ... I heard your conversation. Who's at the hospital?" Parker looked down. "It's my aunt." "Can I help?" Matt asked. He couldn't just sit there and do nothing. "Well ... If you know someone, that can magically make her okay, then it would be amazing." Matt couldn't do that. That would be impossible. Amazing, but impossible. "I'm sorry," Matt answered. "I can't." "It's okay," Parker answered. "I Barely know you. And it would be kinda impossible to find someone magical or something." Parker forced a smile. "Where are you from?" Matt asked. "Queens." The kid answered. Matt cracked a little smile. "Should I drive you home or some-" "No," Parker mumbled impatiently. "I... I know a fast way to go home. Can we please focus on the-" Parker couldn't end his sentence because of the building crashing.

"OUT! EVERYBODY BUT MURDOCK! GET OUT! NOW!" Someone yelled. The voice was dark and scary, but that didn't bother Peter. Not at all. Peter looked at Murdock. He didn't seem scared. "Parker." He said silently. "Run. I can take care of this." Peter didn't understand him. If Murdock knew who Peter was, then this would be a lot easier.

"No!" Peter yelled back. "I can't just leave you here." Matt stood up and pushed Pete out of the coffee shop. Peter just stood there, looking at the danger inside. He wanted to go inside again. He needed to. He needed to save Murdock.

A big, almost screaming laugh filled the air, Making the last people run away.

Of course, Peter recognised the laugh. It was the green goblin.

Suddenly, everything went black.

Matt looked around, looking for the bad guy. There was dust everywhere, making it hard for him to see anything. 

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