Chapter 12

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** Kennedy's POV **

Taylor and I have been married for 66 years now. We are 85. And today we received some news that we weren't expecting at all.

I had stage 5 cancer.

And I could die anytime since they didn't find it until almost the end.

We left the hospital crying. Together. We eventually stopped because we starting thinking of happy things and better reasons this came upon us. It was completely unexpected.

Later that night I was scared to sleep because not knowing if you're going to wake up the next day is scary. Now that we are older Taylor and I sleep in different rooms, but since this could be one of the last nights we have together I walked in his room and wanted to feel young and in love again like we used to. I Layed down next to him and he put his arm around me, while we cuddled up with eachother. I love him with all my heart and don't know what I would do these past 66 years without him.

I whispered to him," I love you so much Taylor Michael Caniff ".

" I love you too Kennedy Rose Davidson ".


** Taylor's POV **

" I love you Kennedy Ariana Davidson ".

Who would've ever thought those would've been my last words to my lovely wife. My teenage love, turned into my soul mate. From being 19 & dumb, to 85 & together is such an accomplishment. We raised two wonderful children, 4 grandchildren, and we stuck together through every mistake I made.

I know I won't have that much life to live without her, but till the day I meet her again in heaven will be the hardest days of my life. She was beautiful. And she will always be beautiful. I love her, and that will never change.


~ 3 days later ~

Today was the day of Kennedy's funeral. It was definitely going to be hard.

There she laid, lifeless. Not moving. Eyes closed for good. I looked, and admired her beauty and remember what she looked like when I fell in love with her. Our senior year of high school. The year I fell in love with the most wonderful women I could've ever wanted.

I remembered how I felt when we had to sit next to eachother in 4th period, when I asked her to hangout after.

* flashback *

As Mrs.Parshel was calling off seating chart names for where to sit. I notice that there was only two people left. Kennedy, and I. "Kennedy & Taylor" Inside I was screaming my head off of excitement. But you could tell Kennedy was not thrilled. Well I would make her love sitting next to me. As we both take our seats " Well hello there".
"Hi, I'm Kennedy."
"I know. How could I not know the name of the most gorgeous girl?" I say winking at her.
"Well uhm. I don't know. Just thought I would start off by saying that. I don't talk to many guys so I didn't know what I was supposed to say."
" Well in that case. I'm Taylor. Taylor Caniff."
" I'm Kennedy. Kennedy Davidson."
We both just sat down and we were passing notes back a forth to eachother. Childish, I know. She wrote her number down and told me to text her after school.

~After school~
I texted Kennedy. Saying that we should meet up and hang out. She agreed. About 4 hours later we met up at the park and just started walking around talking about random stuff. Just to get to know eachother.
" I barely even know you." Kennedy said.
"Well then get to know me." I responded
"Favorite color?" she asked
" Blue. Yours?"
"Orange. Favorite food?"
"Pizza! Yours?"
"Cupcakes!!!!" She said loudly.
"Okay this is boring." I said truthfully
It was silent for a couple minutes.
"Why'd you ask to meet up?" She asked
"Because I wanted to spend some time and get to know you."
"Oh I see." She chuckled.
"Yeah, so do you believe what Hailey was telling everyone?"
"Well I was kinda waiting to here it from you first before I thought anything.."
" Well I did. I did have sex with her. But it didn't mean anything. I was drunk. And you do very stupid shit when your drunk."
" Well she obviously thought you guys had something and meant something to her. Even if you guys were drunk."

* end of flashback *

Her words. The things she said. Even if she wasn't trying, she helped. In every situation.


Everyone of Kennedy's family and friends were here. When it was finally my turn to say my speech.

Tears streaming down my face, I didn't care if people seen. I loved her. And still continue to love her.

" As you know I had the great opportunity to spend my life with this wonderful women. Kennedy Rose Davidson. Who later became Kennedy Caniff. She was beautiful. And amazing. Even on the days when everyone seen her at her worst I still managed to see the best of her. In our marriage I messed up. A lot. But we were madly in love and nothing could ever separate us. We figured that out. For almost 5 months we had to break off in the summer of our senior year, we were graduated but young and dumb. We were engaged, and I remember her leaving her ring on the table. I left for 5 months because I wasn't sure if she loved me. On the day we were supposed to get married we were separated. I spent all day thinking and thinking about her, when I finally decided that the best thing was for me to make the move to get her back so she knew how much I loved her. I showed up at her door, and she was crying. Why. Because she was watching the notebook. Her favorite movie. The day I proposed she was crying and watching the exact same thing. She took me back and we became engaged a while later. Our wedding day, was magical. I wouldn't of wanted to ever marry anyone else. She was the one that made that wedding perfect. The day we first seen Harmony and Noah was behind belief. We knew we would he amazing parents and give these children our life. We would make it through this together. We made through everything together. Everything we did in 66 years, we did it together. She was the most wonderful person you could ever meet. All of you here, including me had to great opportunity to meet her. Some of us met her when she was young and other met her when she was grown up. Know matter when you has to ability to meet her, you need to cherish that. Because you will never meet a more amazing person than her in your whole life. She is the definition of one and only. She was my one and only. Kennedy if you are listening, please know that I love you with everything I have to give. And please please know that I am so sorry for how many times I hurt you and messed up in our relationship. I wish you were still here. I love you beautiful. And don't worry I'll be up there with you soon and I can't wait to see your beautiful face again. See you soon love. I love you.
- Love, Taylor. "

By now everyone was crying. Including me.


** Kennedy's POV **

I was walking. I was falling. Walking into light. Falling into darkness. I reached the gates, the golden gates. God was there awaiting me. I hear Taylor's speech. And oh my word how much I miss him. God opens the gates, as I step one foot in. It goes dark.

And I wake up. In my bed. In Princeton Indiana.

Still a freshman in high school. And still dating Matthew.

Who was Taylor Caniff?

The End.



Omg, I am literally having tears down my face. It hurts ending this so bad, I'm sorry if this made anyone else cry but I had to end it. It was getting less and less interesting by the day. But just know that I love all of you guys who supported me from the beginning of Secrets to the end of Mistakes. It's all from you guys that I kept this story going. Thank you for everything. And I'm starting a new fan fictions "
I am Brynn Lawley. " So go check that out when it starts. And thank you again.

Love you 😘

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